Membership Fees

Join the College

It's easy to join the College. Find more information below on membership fees below: from free membership for Student & Foundation Members, to Retired Fellowship. 

Membership rates for 2024/2025

If you are a medical student or within your first two years of training you can join the College for free as a Student & Foundation Member.

Refugees who are currently living in the UK and who have trained as doctors or who began studying medicine in their home country may apply to become an member of the College free of charge. 

Please note that our membership year starts from 1 October. 

  • Associate/Collegiate subscriptions are payable in advance on joining the College and at the annual subscription renewal date of 1st October
  • Associate or Collegiate members who are enrolled with JRCPTB and have chosen to pay their training registration fees as part of their annual College subscription should add £172 to the applicable subscription rate
  • Please note that reduced rates available during ‘Joining’ and ‘Reduced Rate’ years are normally applicable to new Associate or Collegiate member only and are not available to re-joiners or those converting from Associate Membership.
  • Membership and Fellowship subscription fees are tax deductible.


Category of membership  Standard rate 
Fellow £459
Physician £459
Non-Physician £361
Retired £96
Stundent & Foundation  £0
Lifetime Fellowship* £799
Collegiate Member  
First joining year (from 1 October) £65
Second year £122
Standard Rate - less than 10 years £148
Standard Rate 10-14 years and Consultant level £190
Standard Rate 15 years + and Consultant level £213
Retired £40
Associate Member  
First joining year (from 1 October) £62
Second year £116
Standard rate  £141
Retired £35

If you are a medical student or within your first 2 years of training you can join the College for free as a Student & Foundation Member.

Our system of tiered subscription rates has been introduced using the following country bandings, based on the World Bank Development Indicators. Please access our list of country bandings for details of the countries within each band.

Please note our membership year starts from 1 October. 

Country Band Fellowship Associate and Collegiate
First Year (from 1 October ) Second year rate
Bands A & B £207 £128 £62 £103
Band C £156 £96 £47 £78
Band D £97 £64 £31 £52
Retired £58 £35 / /

Membership discounts

Members and Fellows working part-time

A 25% discount for subscription is available for those working up to 0.8 whole time equivalents. Discounts will be awarded from the subscription due date following application. To apply please email

Members and Fellows on maternity, paternity or adoption leave

A 50% discount will be applied to the next College subscription due after the maternity, paternity or adoption leave period starts and is for one year only. Discounts will be awarded from the subscription due date following application. To apply please email

Lifetime Fellowship

Lifetime Fellowship is available to existing Fellows of 10 years’ standing at time of retiral, and who are completely retired from remunerative practice, in lieu of future annual retired subscriptions. This would take the form of a one-off payment of £799 for UK Fellows or £475 for International Fellows.

college purple flag on building
woman on laptop at event

More information

If you hold a UK bank account and wish to pay your current and future subscriptions by annual or monthly Direct Debit please download a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI). 

You can join or renew your membership online using a debit or credit card by logging in to the secure Member & Fellows area on the top right of this page on the gold button.

To pay by telephone using a debit or credit card, contact the Membership Subscriptions Team on : +44 (0)131 247 3657, +44 (0)131 247 3698 or +44 (0)131 247 3641.

Join today 

Keep your knowledge up to date and develop your career. We look forward to welcoming you as a Member of our College.