The Chiron Medal for excellence in teaching and training

This annual award recognises excellence in teaching and training delivered by a physician.  

The award comprises a medal and the opportunity to contribute a related article to the College Journal or to present at a relevant symposium. The award is usually made at the St Andrews Day Symposium and the medallist and their guest are invited to attend the St Andrews Dinner as guests of the College.



Candidates must be a teacher or trainer in a medical specialty and currently working in the UK. Selection criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • Exceptional contribution to teaching and training (either in content or quality relative to formal role/time allocated in job plan)
  • Personal commitment to trainees and students
  • Empathy with students and trainees
  • Innovation in teaching methods
  • Proficiency in practical training and/or formal teaching
Nomination and selection procedure


  • Self-nomination for this award is not permitted.
  • RCPE Members and Fellows can nominate colleagues for this award. 
  • Please send all completed nomination form to
  • The deadline for submission is 15th July 2024. 

Selection is in two parts:

  • Short listing – by the Trainees and Members' Committee of the College.
  • Final selection by a panel comprising two senior office bearers of the College and the Chair of the Trainees and Members' Committee, who recommend a candidate to Council.

Previous recipients 

Dr Ailsa Howie, Prof Peter Maxwell, Prof Sara Marshall, Dr Andrew Storey, Dr Alison Brown, Dr Patrick Gibson, Dr Eirini Kasfiki, Dr Nadia Stock and Dr Nicola Zammitt.

“Receiving the Chiron Medal was a great honour for me both personally and professionally. It was particularly gratifying on a personal level that I was nominated for this award by local trainees whom I had had the pleasure of training and on a professional level that as a nephrologist, practising and teaching in Northern Ireland, the Edinburgh College believed my activities to be worthy of this prestigious UK-wide training award. This provided valuable recognition of the practical experience of trainees and of the regional contribution to UK medical training".

Prof Peter Maxwell, the recipient of the inaugural (2012) Chiron Medal


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