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Overseen by our Fellows and Members from around the world, the College delivers an extensive programme of educational events, courses and online resources.

Education programme

View our event pages for our upcoming events including:

  • Symposia programme: overseen by the College's Symposium Committee, the programme covers general medicine, medical specialties, public health, current and professional issues. Trainees with the Scotland Deanery can apply to attend multiple College symposia under the block grant scheme. Details of eligibility and how to apply can be found on each event page. 
  • Evening Medical Updates (EMU): covers specialities, presentations and conditions included within the Internal Medicine Training (IMT) curriculum. 
  • St Andrew's Day Festival Symposium: two days of annual updates in acute medicine.
  • UK Medical Updates (UKMU): Led by our Regional Advisers, Fellows and Members, these short meetings showcase topical updates and ranging perspectives from regions across the UK.
  • International Updates (IMU): Led by our Overseas Regional Advisers, Fellows and Members, these short meetings focus on clinical updates from different regions across the world. 
  • Courses: cover the medical specialties and professional support and development

Other College events

Heritage History Events and Public Lectures: we run a varied programme of heritage and public events, which are detailed in the events listing.

Edinburgh History of Medicine Group: a collaboration between the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and the University of Edinburgh. For previous talks, see our Audio/video archive.

Schools Lectures: For Scottish school pupils in fourth, fifth and sixth year who are considering a career in medicine or in the process or applying to medical school.

Senior Fellows' Club: the Club organises a series of lectures and social events. See the Senior Fellows' Club page for further information.

RCPE International Conferences: The College designs and delivers symposia and conferences in international locations, enabling our Fellows, Members and their colleagues to benefit from learning and networking opportunities across the world. 

Event booking

For programmes, prices and booking, visit our Events Calendar. Discounts are available to all Members and Fellows of RCPE; some events are free to delegates from all professional backgrounds.

Live streaming

Most events run by the College are live streamed, and the live stream is hosted on the Education Portal.

Webstreams are live broadcast of events taking place here in Edinburgh and those taking place virtually. All you need is a sufficient internet connection and a device to watch it on.

You do not need to be a Fellow or Member of the College to register for a streaming event. We provide certificates for those attending who have completed the online feedback for the event. Some events will allow on-demand access to the talks after the live event.


You can claim external UK CPD points for attending College education events, in person or at live-link sites.