The College
Leading Physicians Since 1681
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Lay Advisory Committee
About the Committee
The Lay Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh provides a non-medical perspective on all aspects of College policy and strategy across the UK and internationally. As such, the Committee is a valued and highly respected part of the College governance framework. The Committee has 12 lay representatives as well as a number of ex-officio members, including the President, CEO and an elected medical member of the College Council.
The lay representatives make up a high-level group of non-medically qualified individuals who advise and guide the work of the College and functions in an advisory role with the Committee having full discretion over its agenda and discussions. It can propose items for discussion by Council and receives requests from Council to lead on short term projects. The Chair of the Committee is elected by members of the Committee and sits on Council.

Committee Members

Dr. Patricia Cantley
Non Executive Director, NHS Lothian Board
Dr Patricia Cantley has worked as a doctor since 1988, at consultant level as a Geriatrician since 1997, in hospitals across Lothian and more recently in NHS Borders from 2022 to 2024.
Her special interests professionally include developing Hospital at Home services and alternatives to admission for frail older patients. Patricia writes and teaches on the provision of high quality end of life care for people regardless of setting, and served on the Board of Governors for St Columba’s Hospice in Edinburgh from 2012-2020.
Patricia previously chaired the Scottish Branch of the British Geriatrics Society. Her current role is as a non executive director on the Board with NHS Lothian and as a board member of East Lothian Integration Joint Board. With a range of experiences as a patient, relative and staff member, Patricia hopes to bring a practical and recent clinical perspective to the Board, with a positive attitude, energy and enthusiasm for improvement.
Outside work, Patricia plays the flute in Midlothian Community Concert Band, sings with a community choir and enjoys theatre, running, yoga and hill walking as well as spending time with her husband Roddy and their extended family. She has recently started learning the Clarsach.
"The College has been an important institution in my life for over three decades, from passing my membership exams through to playing roles on various committees. I am finding the role on the Lay Committee especially rewarding and interesting as we bring in a range of skills from people with backgrounds outside medicine." - Dr Patricia Cantley.

Edward W Frizzell
Retired Senior Civil Servant
I have experienced a number of advisory and governance roles since retirement, including Chair of Abertay University Court, Chair of Rossie Residential School and Secure Unit, and Vice-Chair Scottish Ambulance Service.
"I am very pleased to have the opportunity to offer a lay perspective to the College." - Mr Frizzell

Helen Munro
Director of Community Services with Stirling Council until my retirement in 2005. Since then I have been involved in the Voluntary Sector with a special interest in Learning Disability.
My main reason for joining the Lay Committee was to encourage more involvement and cooperation by the College in working with other agencies, especially Social Care and the Voluntary Sector in order to benefit patients and carers.
My role and involvement in the College to me means raising the profile of collaboration... the Lay Committee has organised two well attended multi agency agency conferences in the last two years.
The College
Leading Physicians Since 1681
Leadership and Governance
- Leadership
- College Advisory Forum on the Environment
- Courses Committee
- Digital Education Committee
- Education Executive Group
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Fellowship Committee
- Finance Committee
- International Executive Group
- Lay Advisory Committee
- Library & Heritage Committee
- Recently Appointed Consultants Committee
- Remote and Rural Medicine
- Symposium Committee
- Trainees and Members' Committee
- Advisers
- Laws and Royal Charter
- About