The College
Leading Physicians Since 1681
Leadership and Governance
- Leadership
- College Advisory Forum on the Environment
- Courses Committee
- Digital Education Committee
- Education Executive Group
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Fellowship Committee
- Finance Committee
- International Executive Group
- Lay Advisory Committee
- Library & Heritage Committee
- Recently Appointed Consultants Committee
- Remote and Rural Medicine
- Symposium Committee
- Trainees and Members' Committee
- Advisers
- Laws and Royal Charter
- About
Library & Heritage Committee
About the Committee
The Library and Heritage Committee is a Standing Committee of the College, constituted through our Laws. The Committee meets at least twice a year to help the College’s library, archive and museum to comply with the College’s Charter and Laws, preserve and protect the College’s historic collections and provide services and resources to Fellows, Members, researchers and the public. The Committee acts in an advisory capacity to Council and agrees the guidelines and policies for the regulation of the College’s library, museum and archive.
Committee Members
- Dr Allan Beveridge
- Dr Hadiza Gachi
- Cat Irving
- Dr Paula Midgley
- Dr Rosie Baruah
- Dr Jessica Selwood

The College
Leading Physicians Since 1681
Leadership and Governance
- Leadership
- College Advisory Forum on the Environment
- Courses Committee
- Digital Education Committee
- Education Executive Group
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- Fellowship Committee
- Finance Committee
- International Executive Group
- Lay Advisory Committee
- Library & Heritage Committee
- Recently Appointed Consultants Committee
- Remote and Rural Medicine
- Symposium Committee
- Trainees and Members' Committee
- Advisers
- Laws and Royal Charter
- About