Global Perspective

Providing education, training and support worldwide

We truly are an international College with Fellows and Collegiate Members in over 100 countries around the world.

Doctors who have come to the UK as refugees can access the College’s education programme and membership free of charge to continue their professional development and training with a view to returning to work as a doctor. Those doctors who require support can find further information here.

We want to facilitate opportunities for our Fellows and Members to form supportive networks within and between countries, to support training and education and to enable delivery of high-quality, sustainable healthcare locally.

Vice president (international)

All of this is possible thanks to our active network of International Regional Advisers covers 26 countries throughout the world & Dr Conor Maguire, Vice President (pictured left). 

Elected as local representatives for the College, Regional Advisers allow us to provide quality services to physicians worldwide. Our International Executive Group is responsible for delivering the College’s international strategy, working in partnership with other Colleges and organisations worldwide where possible. 

Read more information on our Regional Advisers below: 

Volunteering and Partnerships

Volunteering your expertise is of paramount importance to countries developing their healthcare service and contributes towards raising global healthcare standards and universal access to care. Volunteering can also help develop your insight into domestic healthcare provision and strengthen collaboration with international institutions.

What is needed from a volunteer can vary and may include:

  • Those with specialty experience who can offer training/teaching to local staff
  • An advisory role to help develop a specialty/care/new service
  • Fundraising to help an international project support local staff and equipment

If you have a partnership you would like to add please contact Ellie Barnes

Partnerships with opportunities for volunteering

ECG Sibanor Health Center, the Republic of the Gambia
ECG Sibanor Health Center, the Republic of the Gambia

ECG Sibanor Health Center is one of several faith-based NGO clinics sponsored by the Evangelical Church of The Gambia (ECG). The clinic contributes to the Gambian Ministry of Health’s service coverage, as well as providing healthcare-worker training for hospital and community nursing. The clinic is situated about 90 minutes inland from the capital Banjul, and provides care for the rural communities. 

South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Kiwoko Hospital Project Uganda
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Kiwoko Hospital Project, Uganda

There is a major focus on preventative health care with community health education, sanitation and immunisation a priority. Kiwoko Hospital also runs nurse and laboratory training schools with over 230 student nurses currently enrolled.

Twinning Partnership for Childhood Cancer, Ghana

In Ghana the two main hospitals that are able to treat childhood cancer, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital and Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital are partnered with the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. Healthcare professionals from Edinburgh including paediatric oncologists and haematologists, specialist nurses, pharmacists and surgeons have been visiting these hospitals in Ghana since 2010 to deliver training. 

partnership for childhood cancer ghana
Malawi Health Partnership for Childhood Cancer
Malawi Health Partnership for Childhood Cancer, Malawi

Since 2007 the paediatric oncology teams led by professor Simon Bailey at Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle and Dr Trijn Israels in the Netherlands (now working at Princess Maxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology) have been working with Professor Molyneux and Dr George Chagaluka and their team in Blantyre to help improve the service.

Kenya Association of Physicians (KAP)

In 2024 the College was awarded a UK Government grant to fund a healthcare partnership with the Kenya Association of Physicians (KAP). The project was funded through the Global Health Workforce Programme, financed by the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) for the benefit of the UK and partner country health sectors. Its aim is to advance universal health coverage by strengthening the health workforce in Nigeria, Kenya and Ghana. 

Health Partnership for Childhood Cancer, Burma
Health Partnership for Childhood Cancer, Myanmar, (Burma)

The two main hospitals that are able to treat childhood cancer, Yangon Children’s Hospital (YCH) and Mandalay Children’s Hospital (MCH) are partnered with the Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital in London to improve childhood cancer treatment through mentorship and workshops as well as delivering pathology training to improve diagnostic techniques. 

Partnerships by our Fellows & Members

Development of GI Endoscopy, St Lucia

St Lucia

Key Contact: 
Dr Sulleman Moreea

Job Title: 
Consultant Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist

Overseas Partner: 
Victoria and St Jude Hospitals, St Lucia

Project information: 
I have helped develop 2 endoscopy units in St Lucia, where I’ve also trained endoscopists. 

Kilimanjaro-Northumbria Link (THET)


Key Contact: 
Professor Richard Walker

Job Title: 
Consultant Physician and Honorary Professor of Ageing and International Health sends e-mail)

Overseas Partner: 
Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Tanzania

Project Website: 
THET Kilimanjaro-Northumbria Link

Endoscopic training in Malawi


Key Contact: 
Professor Adrian Stanley

Job Title: 
Consultant Gastroenterologist, Glasgow Royal Infirmary sends e-mail)

Overseas Partner: 
Mzuzu Central Hospital, Malawi

Project information: 
Linked to the Liverpool-Malawi Welcome Trust project & the British Society of Gastroenterology, with funding from RCPSG and equipment donations from GG&C Health Board, I have been on several endoscopic training visits to Malawi. Endoscopic equipment has been delivered (shipments via Glasgow City Council) and provided on-site training to several local clinicians who already had basic endoscopy training. The training focuses on variceal band ligation and oesophageal stent insertion,as shistosomiasis induced variceal bleeding and oesophageal cancer are both very common in Malawi.

Development of GI Endoscopy, Mauritius


Key Contact: 
Dr Sulleman Moreea

Job Title: 
Consultant Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist sends e-mail)

Overseas Partner: 
Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Mauritius

Project information: 
I’m the advisor to the Prime Minister of Mauritius and the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life for GI endoscopy in Mauritius. I have helped to set up 3 units so far, one of which, I designed and gave equipment to. There are 2 other units in development. I have trained endoscopists and also trained the trainers. I have brought a team over to Yorkshire for ERCP training.

Every Girl Matters

The College is proud to support Edinburgh-based charity EMMS International’s ‘Every Girl Matters’ project. ‘Every Girl Matters’ aims to improve healthcare in rural Nepal and help young girls continue in education. You can donate here. 

Chronic sickness in rural Nepal causes unnecessary pain and suffering and places a huge burden of care on young girls like Sunita, who left school after both her mother and father became ill and were unable to care for themselves.

The project is helping to extend quality palliative care and access to essential pain relief to 20,000 families in rural Nepal. With their loved ones well cared for, 1,646 young carers can return to school and enjoy the hope education brings for them and their communities.

The College is backing EMMS International’s project to give girls like Sunita a chance to fulfil their aspirations by returning to school, safe in the knowledge that her loved ones are receiving the care they need.

Vice president (international)

Dr Conor Maguire

Vice President (International)

Dr Maguire graduated from University College, Dublin in Ireland. After postgraduate clinical training in General and Geriatric Medicine and research at Trinity College Dublin, he was awarded an MD for research into Biological Markers of Dementia. He continued his research interest in dementia and developed a clinical and research interest in Parkinson’s disease. Dr Maguire has been a Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine based at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh since 2000. His specialist interest has been in Movement Disorders. He was a Clinical Lead for the Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network with responsibility for South and East Scotland, and is on the Faculty of the UK Parkinson’s Academy. He was a Clinical Director for the Edinburgh Medicine for the Elderly and Stroke Services from 2006 to 2017.

Conor has been integrally involved in teaching and training throughout his career. As a Director of Studies and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, he has supervised and taught undergraduates, and examined in the final medical examinations. He has developed education programmes for doctors in training and career-grade doctors, including PACES teaching programmes, and has many years of experience as an educational and clinical supervisor for all levels of doctor. Dr Maguire has been a MRCP(UK) PACES host and examiner since 2003 and has examined both in the UK and internationally.

As well as being a member of the various symposium committees for our education programme Dr Maguire was the Dean of Education of the RCPE from 2015 until 2020 when he was elected as Vice President (International). He is a member of many committees at the College and been part of the RCPE Council since 2015.

Professor Liz Grant Deputy Director

Professor Liz Grant

Deputy Director (International)

Liz Grant is an Assistant Principal of the University of Edinburgh, the Professor of Global Health and Development and the Director of the University’s Global Health Academy. She leads global health training, and supports health partnerships and advocacy, translating global health research into action. Her research spans global and planetary health and healthcare in contexts of poverty and conflict – and compassion as the value base of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Liz sits on the Scottish Government NHS Global Citizenship Board, and on the Steering Group for Health Information for All(link is external). and is an advisor to a number of global health charities, and a trustee for CBM Scotland and a member of the One Health FIELD work for Syrian refugees.

Professor Aamir Ghafoor Khan Assistant international director and regional adviser

Professor Aamir Ghafoor Khan

Assistant International Director and Regional Advisor

Professor Khan is one of the leading gastroenterologists and physicians of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

 After having trained in the UK he returned to Pakistan and established the first Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit in Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar in 2011 and a dedicated hepatitis outpatient clinic providing free medicine to poor patients and free consultation to poor patients from the neighbouring country Afghanistan with almost 30,000 patients seen yearly.

Professor Khan is Past President of the Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy. He is is also Federation  lead of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of  the UK, Chief examiner and host of MRCP(UK) PACES exam in Pakistan. He is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and is an examiner for MRCP(UK) and FCPS exams; he was instrumental in establishing the MRCP(UK) Clinical Exam (PACES) in Pakistan in 2020.

Professor Khan serves on various editorial boards and is a reviewer for journals such as the Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, the Hepatitis Journal of Iran, and the Pakistan Journal of Gastroenterology. He is a core committee member of the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) Guidelines Committee and a frequent speaker at various international gastroenterology and hepatology meetings; his unit is actively engaged in clinical research in the field of gastroenterology.