Recently Appointed Consultants Committee

About the Committee

The Recently Appointed Consultants (RAC) are those in their first 10 years as a consultant and the Committee, created to support you, have two elected seats on Council, currently held by Drs Helen Liddicoat (Respiratory Physician, Tayside) and Caroline Scally (Cardiologist, Lothian). 

The purpose of the group is to ensure the views of recently appointed consultants are represented in relation to changing requirements in professional development and education.

healthcare staff in hospital

Top tips for Recently Appointed Consultants

The work of the Committee has included the creation of top tips. This resource aims to provide recently appointed consultants (appointed within the last ten years) with information surrounding the issues experienced upon becoming a new consultant. 

Consultant Conversations

Podcast by the RAC committee which explores a range of topics relevant for every stage of your consultant journey. Past episodes include 'what I wish I knew - preparing for and becoming a consultant', 'How to be a good educational or clinical supervisor', and 'dealing with complaints.

Symposia and Evening Meetings

The Committee coordinate a number of engaging events each year including our evening ‘Professionalism in Medicine’ series and symposia aimed at topics of interest to recently appointed consultants, associate specialists and senior trainees. Please visit our events calendar for upcoming events, or visit our Education Portal to catch up on previous events.