Directory of Fellows and Collegiate Members

This directory is a public listing of current Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10560
Name First Name Status Country Specialty
Dr Rahmdil MRCP UK MRCP Edin Rahmdil Collegiate Member England General Internal Medicine
Dr C A Hing FRCP Edin Chan Tha Fellow Malaysia Respiratory Medicine
Dr A B Ab Rahman FRCP Edin Abu Bakar Fellow Malaysia Neurology
Dr D M Abankwa FRCP Edin David Mireku Fellow Wales Rehabilitation Medicine
Dr R M Abazid FRCP Edin Rami Fellow Canada Cardiovascular Medicine
Dr A O Abbas FRCP Edin Abdelrahman Osman Fellow England Accident and Emergency
Professor H Abbas FRCP Edin Haider Fellow India Medical Education/Audit/Research
Dr M Abbas MRCP UK, MRCP Edin Muneer Collegiate Member England General Internal Medicine
Professor Z Abbas FRCP Edin Zaigham Fellow Pakistan Gastroenterology
Professor S M N Abbas Zaidi FRCP Edin Syed Mohsin Naveed Fellow Pakistan Renal Medicine

Fellows and Collegiate members can login to amend their details or opt-out of inclusion in the list by editing the preferences section of their website profile. For any assistance contact

* a small number of individuals either who have opted out or where we do not have a valid email address will not be included in this directory.