Quality Governance Collaborative
Committed to a new approach to governance in health and social care
The Quality Governance Collaborative (RCPE QGC) is committed to a new approach to governance in health and social care. We bring together multi-professional groups, developing national and international collaborations that aim to highlight issues and improve the practice of quality governance. We work closely with and advise governments, medical royal colleges, board directors, NGOs and other healthcare professionals and individuals involved in the delivery of patient care.
The RCPE QGC undertakes a number of activities to improve governance systems, including our fellowship programme, research publications and policy positions, symposia discussions and direct governance support for health and social care organisations.
Our ambition is to shape UK and international quality governance practice, and ensure that health systems continue to deliver for patients.
What is excellence in quality governance?
The RCPE QGC and the World Health Organization have the below joint working definition of Excellence in Quality Governance:
"The means by which all institutions and organisations involved in the design and delivery of healthcare translate health policy into clinical practice and management in order to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare.
The ability to ask the right questions and to implement the right mechanisms to ensure the organisation discharges its duties in line with its purpose and with focus on good clinical practice."
Find out more about QGC

QGC Publications
The Quality Governance Collaborative is pleased to provide our published and collaborative works and content relating to Quality Governance and the QGC Fellowship Programme’s past Fellows Projects. All works are property of their respective authors and we ask that all those who access them respect these works.

What Happens as the Dust Settles
Health Governance with Impact: Why Values Matter?
JRCPE Editorial - Quality Governance a Call to Arms
Ladies & Gentlemen... There Will Now be a Long Interval
Arrest to Recovery
Plurality of governance - the transparency of definitions