These pages tell you about our Senior Fellows Club and will hopefully entice you to join. You’re never too young – or old – to join the Senior Fellows Club!

The Senior Fellows Club was formed in 1992. The club now has around 190 members, who enjoy friendly meetings, interesting lectures and sociable events.

The Club is very active and there is no need to be fully retired to join. Retired Fellows or retired Collegiate Members from other Physician Royal Colleges who have moved to Edinburgh, or the surrounding areas can also join the Club.

We look to recent retirees – and those imminently retiring – to join and keep us rejuvenated.


We welcome membership applications from any retired Fellow or Collegiate member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

On our initiative, there is a reciprocity with the Senior Fellows Clubs, or equivalent, of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Physicians of London, whereby a retired Fellow or Collegiate Member of one College will be welcomed as a member by the Senior Fellows Club of another College particularly if he or she moves to live in that other College’s area.

We would also welcome membership enquiries from any retired Fellow of other Royal Medical Colleges including those of Ireland, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics and Child Health and General Practice, and the Royal Colleges of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Radiology, Pathology and Anaesthetics and the Faculties of Public Health and of Pain Medicine who are interested to join – particularly if they live in or near Edinburgh.

Our talks are live webcast so that Fellows and Collegiate Members of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh who are not living locally can also apply for membership.

In addition, we can, by reciprocal arrangement, also attend talks organised by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's Senior Fellows Club, and their members are welcomed at ours.

Club activities

The Club organises a monthly programme of lectures and occasional social events and has a very active walking group. It also supports wider College activities such as the College Library and sponsorship of academic prizes for medical trainees.


Annual membership of the Club is just £15. There is also a charge for the post-talk lunches, the Annual Guest Lunch and for the Annual Outing.

To join the club please fill out the below application form and send it to or phone 0131 247 3652