RCPE Exams Team
Here to provide you with information and support when sitting your PACES exam.
Our experienced examinations team support candidates throughout the PACES assessment journey from application through to certification. We are happy to answer your questions and provide support to all candidates sitting in any of the Edinburgh centres across the UK.
The examinations team continually monitor email and telephone calls within business working hours and are available between 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. The team respond to a high volume of correspondence. Please allow up to five business days (Mon to Fri in the UK) before contacting our office with the same query.
Examiner queries: edinburghexaminers@rcpe.ac.uk
Examiner expense claims and centre finance: PacesExpenses@rcpe.ac.uk
Host centre Communication & Consultation Scenarios: PACESScenarios@rcpe.ac.uk
PACES Candidates:
Candidate queries: PACES@rcpe.ac.uk
Marksheet feedback requests: candidatefeedback@rcpeac.uk
Diploma certificates: Diplomas@rcpe.ac.uk
Forms of Faith: Formoffaith@rcpe.ac.uk
MRCP Diploma Ceremony queries: ceremonies@rcpe.ac.uk