Find out about College Leadership opportunities
Empowering medical excellence, shaping healthcare futures.
Learn more about our Council and various Committees
The College helps qualified doctors to pursue their careers in specialist (internal) medicine through medical examinations, education and training. We also provide resources and information to support and facilitate professional development for physicians throughout their careers.
The College helps to develop standards of medical care and training, and influences health policy. We ensure that the views and practical clinical experiences of our membership are taken into account by health policymakers throughout the UK.
We have a strong UK and international presence with over 14,000 Fellows and Members in over 100 countries, covering 54 medical specialties and interests. The College is governed by a Council, College Laws, Royal Charter and specific committees.
The College's Council is comprised of elected Office Bearers, appointed Office Bearers, directly elected Fellows, representatives from the Trainees and Members' Committee, Lay Committee, and other Faculties and Colleges. Council meets regularly throughout the year to discuss issues of importance to Fellows and Members and set the strategic direction of the College.
The College is governed by Council and a series of topic-specific Committees which range in focus from finance and heritage to strengthening our international links. Our Committee structure ensures a wide range of experience and skills are brought into the College's decision-making processes.
RCPE is proud to be run by our Fellows and Members for our Fellows and Members, with operational support from College staff. We are governed by a Council and topic-specific Committees which range in focus from finance and heritage to strengthening our global community.
Find out about College Leadership opportunities