College News

Empowering medical excellence, shaping healthcare futures.
23 May 2024
New Dean of Training for College
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (“the College”) is pleased to announce that Dr Kerri Baker and Dr Marion Slater are to become the College’s new Dean of Training in a job share role. It will be the first time within the College that two Fellows will occupy such a joint job position. Dr Kerri Baker is a consultant Acute Physician while Dr Marion Slater is a consultant Geriatrician.
In a joint statement, Dr Kerri Baker and Dr Marion Slater, said:
We are delighted to have been appointed as Deans of Training for RCPE. We bring experience rooted in the College and in the training arena and have contributed to and shaped the training agenda through a variety of roles within RCPE including as chairs of the Trainees and Members Committee some years ago. We are committed to ensuring that the College continues to uphold high standards of training to assure doctors practising medicine today as well as the patients and communities they care for.
Working closely and collaboratively with our doctors in training, our SAS and Locally Employed Doctor colleagues and key related organisations will be central to our approach as we look to ensure fair and excellent training, recognising, supporting and championing the people who undertake that training as well as those who deliver it. Integration with Education, International, Climate Change & Sustainability, Remote and Rural, Workforce and Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity will be critical to supporting lifelong training and sustainable and attractive careers and we bring significant experience at a national level across all these domains.
It is an honour and a privilege to share this role and the College’s support of a joint senior College position affirms its forward-thinking commitment to innovation and inclusivity. We have worked together in a variety of roles over many years and have a proven track record in advocating for and positively influencing training. We will bring energy, enthusiasm and engagement to the role as we seek to ensure that RCPE remains at the forefront of issues pertinent to training and the wider College and workforce.