College News

Empowering medical excellence, shaping healthcare futures.
13 February 2024
College encourages participation in innovative End of Life Challenges and Palliative Care course
Fellows and Members are being encouraged by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (“the College”) to consider signing up to an End of Life Challenges and Palliative Care microcredential. The ten-week microcredential from the University of Glasgow in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, beginning on April 15th 2024, takes an interdisciplinary approach to palliative care and end of life issues. This is the second time that the course has taken place with feedback from learners who completed it last year being overwhelmingly positive. Fellows and Members of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh will receive 50 CPD credits upon completion of the microcredential.
The microcredential enables the learner to understand historical and cultural expectations of ageing and dying; examines the difficulties of diagnosing dying; investigates evolving approaches to palliative care, assisted dying, and grief; and develops the essential skills for health and social care professionals.
Commenting Professor Andrew Elder, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, said:
There is growing interest globally in palliative care, end of life issues, and the cultural values and social factors that surround dying, death, and bereavement. This interest is both appropriate and necessary.
This innovative course, created and delivered by highly knowledgeable experts, provides the learner with important tools to develop their thinking across a wide range of end of life issues.
I commend the course to all physicians but especially postgraduate doctors in training and those wishing to enhance their knowledge and thinking in relation to death and dying.