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Conferences & Symposia

Respiratory Medicine

Thursday 27 March

Conferences & Symposia
Thu 27 Mar
09:00 - 16:00
+ 5
Activity code: 150993

This online respiratory symposium will offer updates on a range of topics from influential speakers, who are leading change in the way we deliver care and services. 

Topics covered : 
Lung cancer screening
Pneumothorax - challenges in management 
Pulmonary embolism, specialist teams
Assessing acute pneumonitis 
Cough-three ways
Managing progressive fibrotic interstitial lung disease
Trainee led case presentations 

We are also delighted to welcome Dr Haval Balata based at Manchester University NHS Trust to deliver the keynote lecture on lung cancer screening.

We look forward to welcoming you to what we expect will be a thought provoking and educational day. 

Dr Ratna Alluri, Chair, Organising Committee

Committee members: 
Dr Melanie Brewis
Dr Mahendran Chetty
Dr Daniel Gordon
Dr Adam Marshall


Thursday 27 March 2025


Welcome and introductory remarks
Dr Conor Maguire, Vice President (International), Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Session 1 - Lung Cancer

Chair: Dr Adam Marshall, Consultant Respiratory Physician, NHS Lothian



Introduction: Dr Conor Maguire, Vice President (International), Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Keynote Lecture
Lung cancer screening: lessons from experience so far
Dr Haval Balata, Consultant Respiratory Physician & Honorary Senior Lecturer, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester University NHS Trust
* implementation of lung cancer screening in England  * what can Scotland learn from the experience?
10:15 Size matters: pulmonary nodules, when to refer on and what to do next
Dr Emma O’Dowd, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
* how big is the problem? * risk assessment of nodules * surveillance strategies
10:50 Break 

Session 2 - Respiratory emergencies in acute medicine

Chair: Dr Melanie Brewis, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax: challenges in management
Dr Steven Walker, Clinical Lecturer, Bristol Academic Respiratory Unit
 * current management * new interventions * what’s on the horizon
11:35  Acute pulmonary embolism: the role of acute response teams 
Dr Gulam Haji, Consultant Pulmonologist, Imperial College London          
 * management beyond thrombolysis and anticoagulation * role of specialist teams
12:05 Acute pneumonitis with respiratory failure 
Dr Conal Hayton, Consultant Physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester 
 * assessment and management 
12:35 Break/Lunch

Session 3 - Cough three ways

Chair: Dr Anne Marie Shanks, Consultant Physician, Respiratory Medicine, NHS Highland

13:15 Wet cough – tuberculosis: recent trends in presentation
Dr Brian Choo-Kang, Consultant Respiratory Physician and Joint Clinical Lead for eHealth, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
 * epidemiology of tuberculosis in Scotland * update on diagnosis and management
Dry cough – progressive fibrotic interstitial lung disease (ILD)
Dr Nazia Chaudhuri, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Ulster University        
* update on management in progressive fibrotic ILD * idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) vs non IPF 
14:15 Chronic cough for the generalist
Professor Jacky Smith, Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Manchester  
* how big the is problem? * how much does it cost the NHS? * how do we effectively manage chronic cough?
14.45 Break 

Session 4 - Case based presentations

Chair: Dr Daniel Gordon, ST4 Respiratory Medicine, NHS Lanarkshire

Doege-Potter syndrome
Dr Jeremie Juan, Clinical Fellow, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
Interstitial lung disease 
Dr Janet Johnston, ST4 Respiratory Registrar, Wishaw University Hospital
Unusual cause of respiratory failure
Dr Annie Caldwell, Clinical Fellow, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary                      
16:00 Thanks and Close

Please note that on occasion event programmes may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances

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Delegate (Non-RCPE Member) £265
RCPE Fellow, Collegiate & Associate Member  £165
Allied Health Professional £165
RCPE retired Fellow and RCPE Foundation Member £70
RCPE Fellow in low or lower-middle income country, RCPE Student Member £0

Long term / other leave – Fellows and Members, please contact the Symposium Co-ordinator as some discretion may be available.

Trainees – Scotland Deanery medical specialty trainees can attend any number of eligible symposia for a one-off payment from their study leave budget (block grant scheme).

Fellows Vouchers: If you’d like to use your Fellows Voucher to attend this Symposia please contact onlinebookings@rcpe.ac.uk


If you wish us to invoice an employer/organisation, please contact the Symposium Coordinator. Payment via invoice is not available for online booking.

Free places

Unpaid post – Nil if confirmation of status provided a member of RCPE – please contact the Symposium Co-ordinator.

Refugee doctors – free places are available to refugee doctors who are Associate Members of the College. Associate Membership for refugee doctors is available free of charge. Please visit our website for instructions on how to join, and then apply to the Symposium Co-ordinator for your free place.

Cancellation policy

If you have to cancel your place within 4 days of this event, we regret that we are unable to provide a refund.

If you are no longer able to attend in-person, you can still view the event online.  The event will be available to view on-demand for 28 days after the live event, therefore, there is still opportunity to view the talks if you are not able to attend on the day. 

Booking Terms & Conditions

Please read the College’s full event booking T&Cs regarding event changes, CPD, and data protection. 



All relevant events are approved for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). To receive a CPD certificate delegates must have completed the online feedback survey. The survey will close 28 days after the original broadcast of the event, on 24 April 2025, with certificates being issued shortly after this. 

Certificates cannot be issued after the survey has closed. 


Registered delegates can view this event on catch-up for up to 28 days following the live event until 24 April 2025. Please note that in order to obtain a CPD certificate you must have completed the online feedback survey within the 28-day period.  

Event co-ordinator
Orela Deane
+ 44 (0)131 247 3659
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Event information

Conferences & Symposia
Thu 27 Mar
09:00 - 16:00
+ 5
Activity code: 150993

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