Conferences & Symposia

Medicine of Older People

Friday 21 March

Conferences & Symposia
Fri 21 Mar
09:00 - 17:00
+ 6
Activity code: 151657

The range of presentations, conditions and diseases that practitioners in Medicine for the Older Person deal with is wide.  Additionally the way that healthcare is delivered to this population is ever changing as we strive to deliver increasing demands for healthcare in a sustainable manner and reduce the risks that admission to hospital can pose to older frail people.  As health services get ever busier multidisciplinary teams who provide care are under increasing stress which can lead to harm and health problems for healthcare staff. The symposium will cover a variety of clinical topics where there have been recent developments as well, developments in service delivery and how we can look after ourselves as healthcare providers.

Sessions will focus on:

  • Neurology in the older person including updates on management of stroke, dementia and neuropsychiatric presentations of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Managing patient care as people move between community and hospital settings
  • Legal and ethical challenges in the care of the older person.
  • Management of skin problems and eye disease in older people.
  • Promoting wellbeing and health in multi-professional teams – what can we learn from other organisations.

Dr Matt Lambert
Chair, Organising Committee

Committee members:
Dr Clare Bostock
Dr Louise Burton
Dr Gordon Duncan
Dr Laura Henderson 


The programme is subject to change. 

Friday 21 March 2025


Welcome and introductory remarks
Professor Andrew Elder, President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

Session 1 - Neurology in the older person

Chair: Dr Matt Lambert, Consultant Physician in Medicine for the Elderly and Stroke Medicine, NHS Tayside

09:30  Update on dementia  
Dr Cara McDonald, Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Tayside
* potential new treatments to slow dementia progression * managing distress in people with dementia in the community and care homes
10:05 Update on stroke care
Prof Martin James, Consultant Stroke Physician, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust 
* update on the National Clinical Guideline for stroke
10:40 Neuropsychiatric presentations of Parkinson’s disease
Dr Duncan Alston, Geriatrician, Hillingdon Hospital, Uxbridge 
* lewy body dementia – presentation and management * dementia in Parkinson’s disease
11:15 Break 

Session 2 - Multidisciplinary teams that work for patients and team members

Chair: Dr Clare Bostock, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS Grampian

11:40 Interface care
Dr Victoria Henderson, Consultant in Geriatric Medicine, Northland District Health Board, Whangarei, New Zealand
* frailty assessment at the front door in NZ 
Chair: Professor Andrew Elder, President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Wherever you go, there you are
Dr Claire Copeland, Deputy Medical Director, NHS Highland
13:00 Break/Lunch

Session 3 - Looking out, looking in: skin and eyes in older people

Chair: Dr Gordon Duncan, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS Lothian

13:45 Management of skin problems in older people
Dr Fiona Meredith, Dermatology Consultant, Raigmore Hospital Inverness
* hot topics * when to refer * updates in management
14:20  What’s new with eye disease in older people
Dr Andrew Tatham, President, UK and Eire Glaucoma Society & Consultant Ophthalmologist, Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh and 
Eilidh Thomson, Optometrist, Black & Lizars and Chair, Optometry Scotland 
* glaucoma including interaction with medication for other conditions * macular degeneration * visual aids * assessing vision in people living with dementia
14:55 Break 

Session 4 - Legal and ethical challenges in the care of the older person

Chair: Dr Sarah Keir, Consultant Physician in Medicine of the Elderly and Stroke Medicine, NHS Lothian 

15:15 Challenging case: 
Safeguarding older adults and their assets: a case of testamentary capacity
Dr Jennifer Baker, FY2 Doctor, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
15:30 Challenging case: 
Managing frailty and family expectations: challenges in communication, informed consent and ethical consideration of interventions
Dr Calum McAughtrie, Clinical Fellow in Older Adult Medicine & 
Dr Daniella Rourke, Acting Registrar in Older Adult Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Glasgow
15:50  Learning from complaints 
Dr Catherine Butchart, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS Grampian &
Dr Dorothy Armstrong, Director of DA Professional, Lead Adviser to Scotland's Ombudsman and Honorary Fellow, University of Edinburgh
* positive outcomes and action from complaints * ombudsman
16:25 Chair: Dr Matt Lambert
Medico-legal challenges in the clinical care of older people – learning from our practice
Dr Sarah Keir
* what is reasonable care? * documentation standards
17:00 Closing remarks
Dr Matt Lambert, Chair, Organising Committee

Please note that on occasion event programmes may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances

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Free places

Unpaid post – Nil if confirmation of status provided a member of RCPE – please contact the Symposium Co-ordinator.

Refugee doctors – free places are available to refugee doctors who are Associate Members of the College. Associate Membership for refugee doctors is available free of charge. Please visit our website for instructions on how to join, and then apply to the Symposium Co-ordinator for your free place.

Cancellation policy

If you have to cancel your place within 4 days of this event, we regret that we are unable to provide a refund.

Booking Terms & Conditions

Please read the College’s full event booking T&Cs regarding event changes, CPD, and data protection. 


This event is open to all grades of medical, health care and scientific staff and to students. If you are unsure about eligibility, or the correct fee category, please contact the RCPE member of staff responsible for the event.


All relevant events are approved for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). To receive a CPD certificate delegates must have completed the online feedback survey. The survey will close 28 days after the original broadcast of the event, which took place on 21 March 2025, with certificates being issued shortly after this. 

Certificates cannot be issued after the survey has closed. 


Registered delegates can view this event on catch-up for up to 28 days following the live event until 18 April 2025. Please note that in order to obtain a CPD certificate you must have completed the online feedback survey within the 28-day period.  

Commercial Sponsorship:  Exhibitors/Sponsors play no part in the planning or delivery of our events, and the College has developed an Ethical Sponsorship Policy to support organising committees and committee chairs in their negotiations with potential commercial partners for education and other events. 

Event co-ordinator
Eileen Strawn
+ 44 (0)131 247 3619
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Event information

Conferences & Symposia
Fri 21 Mar
09:00 - 17:00
+ 6
Activity code: 151657

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