Huge alarm at record of delayed discharge
Courses RCPE

Acute Medicine for the Generalist

Wednesday 25 - Thursday 26 June

Wed 25 - Thu 26 Jun | 2 Day Event
Wed 09:00 - Thu 17:00

Acute medicine focusses on the immediate assessment, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions that require urgent intervention within a tertiary setting. It is a multidisciplinary specialty that involves managing patients across the hospital and requires a broad knowledge of different medical disciplines and quick decision making.

This two-day symposium will explore the 'Blueprint of Acute Medicine'.

Sessions will focus on:

  • The Acute Receiving Unit -  a collection of cases that commonly present on the acute take.  
  • Diagnostics and Therapeutics - Weight loss drugs, hypertension, the abnormal ECG.
  • Same Day Emergency Care - Who can you ambulate? Low risk chest pain and outpatient antimicrobial therapy.
  • Medical High Dependency - Diabetic ketoacidosis, Respiratory failure, complex toxicology
  • Enhanced Care - Sepsis, Tachyarrhythmias, Status Epilepticus, Community Referrals - Abnormal renal function, sexual health
  • A Call from... Obstetric triage, ophthalmology, the medical ward.

This walk through of our virtual 'blueprint' will be of interest to any health professional that refers into or works within Acute Medicine, and we look forward to welcoming you.

Co-Chairs, Organising Committee: Dr Ailie Young and Dr Nicole Haggarty 
Committee Members: Dr Gordon McKinnon, Dr Nony Mordi, Dr Tom Chambers, Dr Ragit Varia

Wednesday 25 June 2025 (Day One)

09:00 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
by Professor Andrew Elder, President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh

The Blueprint of Acute Medicine - an overview for the generalist 

Speaker TBC

Session 1 - A Ward Round in Enhanced Care

Chair: Dr Nicole Haggarty 

09:30 Sepsis in acute medicine
Speaker TBC
*Investigation, Diagnosis and Management of Sepsis * Updates in current practice
10:00 Emergency management of arrhythmias
Speaker TBC
* Emergency management of life threatening tachyarrhythmias * Beyond the ALS algorithms * Who needs monitored
10:30 The Seizing Patient
Speaker TBC
* How to manage a seizure in Acute Medicine * Status Epilepticus * Emergency medications * driving advice
11:00 Break 

Session 2 - Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)

Chair: Dr Ragit Varia

11:20 Who can you ambulate?
Speaker TBC
* What is the role of Same Day Emergency care? * Who is suitable to ambulate?
11:50 The low risk chest pain
Speaker TBC
* Who can you ambulate and who should you follow up? * Conditions such as costochondritis * Pericarditis * Angina
12:20 Who can you refer to Outpatient Parenteral Antiobiotic Therapies (OPAT)?
Speaker TBC
* What is OPAT? * What can be ambulated? 
12:50 Lunch Break

Session 3 - An afternoon on call in AMU

Chair: Dr Gordon McKinnon

13:30  Presenting complaints: Fall
Speaker TBC
* Silver trauma * C Spine clearance * Practicalities of spine immobilisation
14:00 Haemoptysis
Speaker TBC
14:30 Chest pain
Speaker TBC
15:10 Break

Session 4 - The patient referred in from community

Chair: Dr Nony Mordi

15:20  The patient with abnormal renal function
Speaker TBC
* Who needs admission * Initial investigations and follow-up
15:50 Sexual health presentations at the front door
Speaker TBC
* Are we taking a sexual health history? * Cases not to miss 
16:20 Heart failure in elderly/cardiogeriatrics
Speaker TBC
* Where to manage: H@H versus Hospital
16:50 Closing Remarks ( End of Day One)

Thursday 26 June 2025 (Day Two)


Welcome and introductory remarks  

Session 1 - A morning on the High Dependency Unit

Chair: Dr Ailie Young

09:05  Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Speaker TBC
* Euglycaemic DKA * Where should they be managed * What happens when they're not responding
09:35 Respiratory failure in HDU
Speaker TBC
* The acute use of NIV - when to commence & how to commence monitoring * When to use HFNO
10:05 The approach to the complex toxicology patient
Speaker TBC
* Overdoses of multiple drugs * Increasing polypharmacy * Symptomatology
10:35 Break

Session 2 - A call from…..

Chair: Dr Tom Chambers

10:55  A call from obstetric triage
Speaker TBC
* How to approach the medically unwell pregnant patient
11:25 A call from the ward - acutely agitated patient
Speaker TBC
* How to de-escalate * When and what medication to use * When to call ITU
11:55 A call from ophthalmology - 3rd nerve palsy
Speaker TBC
* Third nerve palsy * Cranial nerve abnormalities * What to miss * How to manage
12:25 Lunch Break

Session 3 - AMU Cases

Chair: Dr Ragit Varia

13:10  Presenting complaint: Lip swelling 
13:30 Presenting complaint: Rash 
13:50 Presenting complaint: Confusion
14:10 Presenting complaint: Fever
14:30 Break

Session 4 - Diagnostics and therapeutics

Chair: Dr Nony Mordi 

14:40 Weight loss drugs / GLP1 agonists
Speaker TBC
* Presentations and management of GLP1 agonist complications at the front door
15:10 Hypertension
Speaker TBC
* Malignant hypertension - investigation of secondary causes
15:40 Syncope with an abnormal ECG
Speaker TBC
* WPW * Brugada * Long QT examples and cases
16:10 Closing remarks ( End of Day Two)

Please note that on occasion event programmes may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Not a Member of RCPE? By joining the College, you can save up to 100% on event fees for our symposia, courses and Evening Medical Update programme. Find out more about joining the College and our membership benefits via our membership webpages.


  £ Fee for one day £ Fee for two days
Standard Fee £250 £470
RCPE Fellow & Collegiate/Associate Members £150 £290
Allied Health Professionals £150 £290
RCPE Fellow in low or lower-middle income country £0 £0
Retired RCPE Fellow & Foundation Member £70 £130
RCPE Student Member £0 £0

Membership of RCPE gives you discounted rates to most of our Education events, as well as access to further content on our Education Portal. You can find out more about Membership and how to join here

Long term / other leave: Fellows and Members, please contact the Symposium Co-ordinator as some discretion may be available.


If you wish your employer/organisation to be invoiced for this event, please contact the event coordinator. Payment via invoice is not available for online booking.

Free places

Unpaid post: If RCPE Member, please provide confirmation of status to the event coordinator in order to access this event for free

Refugee doctors: Free places may be available to refugee doctors who are Associate Members of the College, please contact the event coordinator for more information. Associate Membership for refugee doctors is available free of charge. Please visit our membership pages for more information on joining the College as a refugee doctor. 

Cancellation policy

If you have to cancel your place within 4 days of this event, we regret that we are unable to provide a refund.

The event will be available to view on-demand for 28 days after the live event, therefore, there is still an opportunity to view the talks if you are not able to attend on the day.  

Bookings Terms & Conditions: Please read the College's full event bookings Ts&Cs regarding event changes, CPD, and data protection.


All relevant events are approved for Continuing Professional Development (CPD). To receive a CPD certificate delegates must have completed the online feedback survey. The survey will close 28 days after the original broadcast of the event on the Thursday 24 July, with certificates being issued shortly after this.  

Certificates cannot be issued after the survey has closed.  


Registered delegates can view this event on catch-up for up to 6 months following the live event until Thursday 18 December. Please note that in-line with Federation rules, the CPD period is for 28 days post live-event, therefore, in order to obtain a CPD certificate for viewing this event you must have viewed the talks and completed the online feedback survey by Thursday 24 July

Event co-ordinator
Orela Deane
+ 44 (0)131 247 3659
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Event information

Wed 25 - Thu 26 Jun | 2 Day Event
Wed 09:00 - Thu 17:00

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