Registration for consultant and SAS doctors
The Federation CPD Diary scheme is used by over 10,000 consultant and SAS doctors.
To register to use the online CPD Diary for consultant and SAS doctors please follow the link to our registration pages then click on the register on-line in the registration box.
We are currently in the 2021–2022 CPD year, which runs from 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2022. If you wish to register mid-way through the year you can backdate your records to the beginning of the CPD year only. For all previous years you will need to keep your own CPD activity records.
Registration for trainees
A training version of the CPD Diary is available for use by specialist/specialty registrars enrolled with JRCPTB. This SpR/StR diary looks and operates the same way as the consultant's diary. However, unlike the consultant's diary, it is not subjected to audit procedures by the CPD office. It is therefore essential that you upgrade to the full, consultant version of the CPD Diary as soon as you receive your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT).
How to get an SpR/StR diary password
To register to use the CPD Diary as a trainee, please follow this link to register online.
Who qualifies to use the CPD Diary?
The trainee version of the CPD Diary is available free to all SpRs/StRs who are enrolled with JRCPTB, and who have confirmed Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) dates. The diary is not available to LATs, or SpRs/StRs not enrolled with JRCPTB, as it can only be available to those who pay subscription fees to one of the Colleges of Physicians or to JRCPTB.
Why do trainees use the online CPD Diary?
It is important that all physicians are, by the end of their training, aware of the different elements of CPD and learn to use CPD as a means of improving their professional development. JRCPTB has agreed that SpRs/StRs will be eligible to enrol in the CPD scheme once they have enrolled with JRCPTB. The use of the online diary during training will allow the easy recording of learning activities, which can then be printed out for the training record at intervals. Once training has been completed, it is an easy process to reregister for use of the full version of the CPD Diary.
What is expected of trainees?
Trainees are not expected to use the CPD Diary during the early part of their training. However, by the time of their penultimate year assessment (PYA), trainees will need to be able to demonstrate familiarity with the scheme, and by the time of their final RITA or ARCP should be able to confirm their use of the diary. This can be achieved by producing - either at their PYA or at the time of completion - evidence that the scheme has been used, ie by producing a print out of their diary showing a cycle of action and reflective thought.
Upgrading to the full CPD Diary
Once you receive your CCT, please complete the CPD registration form in order to change your status on the CPD scheme and update your details on the federation database. Your online CPD Diary login details will remain the same and you will be able to continue using the diary as normal to record your CPD. All activities recorded in the SpR/StR diary will be transferred into the consultant diary.
CPD Diary subscription fee
Access to the CPD Diary scheme is a benefit of membership to all subscribing fellows, members, affiliates and associates of any of the Colleges in the Federation (Edinburgh, London and Glasgow).
Find out more about becoming a member of the College.
All other registrants, who are not a member of any of the Colleges, are charged an annual subscription fee of £165, payable via the CPD subscription and payment form. This fee covers the routine administration and technical costs of managing and developing the CPD Diary, as well as the annual audit of your CPD credit totals.