Working in the UK (IMG & MTI)
Join us in the UK to support the NHS
Sponsored training for International Medical Graduates in the UK
The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh welcomes international medical graduates (IMGs) to join us in the UK to support the NHS. IMGs play provide valuable contributions to our NHS and this programme aims to ensure they are well supported as they transition to UK clinical practice. The College sponsors the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) a UK Government scheme, which allows a number of international medical graduates to train for up to 2 years in the UK.
There are a number of organisations which support IMGs as they begin life in the UK, in addition to their health board or trust.
Medical Training Initiative (MTI)
The Medical Training Initiative (MTI) allows international junior and middle-grade doctors to train and work in the UK for up to 2 years, whilst enabling NHS Boards and Trusts to fill rota gaps with high quality staff.
As an MTI trainee you will receive specialty training supervised by an experienced and qualified NHS consultant for up to 2 years. We aim to tailor the training plan to suit your educational and career objectives as closely as possible, in order for you to gain skills that will equip you for the work you plan to undertake back home.
We will sponsor your GMC registration and visa to the UK, or to support the NHS Board/Trust in applying for your visa (whichever visa route is most appropriate to you.
If you have postgraduate qualifications, experience in a clinical practice and experience in your speciality, you could benefit from the RCPE scholarship. Do you work for the NHS and want support to fill a vacant post? Visit our NHS MTI page below.
"Participation in the MTI was the best thing that has happened to me in my career."
MTI Trainee Doctor

Have you joined the College?
We develop medical care and training standards globally, and influence health policy throughout the UK on behalf of physicians and patients. When you join us you can support this vital work, access our extensive range of professional support, and become involved in other College activities that will enhance your career.