The College's Council is comprised of elected Office Bearers, appointed Office Bearers, directly elected Fellows, representatives from the Trainees and Members' Committee, Lay Committee, and other Faculties and Colleges.
Council meets regularly throughout the year to discuss issues of importance to Fellows and Members and set the strategic direction of the College.

Professor Andrew Elder, President
Consultant Physician, NHS Fife and Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh.
BSc, MBChB, PRCPEdin., FRCPSG., FRCPLond., FRCSEd (Ad hominem (FICP(Hon)), MACP.
Andrew Elder is the first Geriatrician to become President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
As an NHS consultant in Medicine for Older People for thirty years, he is first and foremost a clinician. He sees the doctor’s role in patient care as a privilege, believes that the teaching of medicine is a vital part of a professional life and that the traditional attributes of the physician, such as compassion, communication and clinical competence, remain paramount.
Elected Office Bearers

Contact information
Dr Susan Pound
Dr Sue Pound is the Vice President. She graduated from Edinburgh University in 1986, and trained in general and elderly medicine. Sue was appointed as Consultant Physician and Geriatrician in NHS Fife in 1996 and has worked there ever since.
As lead clinician for elderly medicine, she has worked along with her enthusiastic colleagues to redesign and develop local services including hospital at home and front door frailty. Sue has been involved in the MRCP(UK) PACES exam as an examiner and, until recently, was Assistant Director of Examinations for several years.
Sue is also the Training Programme Director for geriatric medicine in South East Scotland.
*Why you liked being involved in this college role*
*Other college roles*

Contact information
Professor Sunil Bhandari
Consultant in Nephrology and Honorary Professor at Hull York Medical School (HYMS) and Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Prof Bhandari graduated from the University of Edinburgh and trained in Kidney and Transplant Medicine in Yorkshire (UK) and Sydney, Australia. He serves as the Academic Representative for the College and is an International Expert in anaemia of chronic kidney disease, with research interest in anaemia, cognitive function in chronic kidney disease and delaying kidney progression. Prof Bhandari offers opinion on College and wider matters by reviewing the RCPE responses to consultations and Policy documents from various bodies including Government and NCE.
Prof Bhandari chairs the Digital Strategy Group. He has a major interest in education and training, and co-directs the UK advanced Nephrology and Applied Nephrology courses. He is a regular PACES examiner and chair in the UK and Globally, and is a question writer for the SCE Federation of colleges exam for Nephrology.
"It is a privilege to help advance the College's vision for medicine and its excellence to optimising patient safety, and serve as an ambassador in the UK and Globally." - Prof Bhandari
As well as being a member of Council, Prof Bhandari is also a member of the Finance Committee, Remuneration Committee, Fellowship Strategy Committee and the International Executive Group. He deputises for NHSE and Academy meeting on behalf of the President. Prof Bhandari was the previous International Director of RCPE.

Contact information
Dr Conor Maguire
Consultant in Medicine of the Elderly, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
I obtained my medical qualification from University College Dublin and did my postgraduate training and research in Dublin and Bristol, with a subspecialty and research interest in Parkinson’s disease and cognitive dysfunction. I was awarded an MD from Trinity College Dublin for a thesis on Neurobiological Markers of Dementia. After spending three years at the University of Bristol as Lecturer in Care of the Elderly, I moved to Edinburgh.
I work as a Consultant Physician in Geriatric Medicine at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh specialising in Parkinson’s Disease. I developed a multidisciplinary network of care for people with Parkinson’s in the Lothian area. I am an Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Edinburgh.
I was Director of Education at the College from 2015 to 2019 before being elected as Vice President (International).I have been integrally involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, training, and examinations throughout my career. I am an experienced MRCP(UK) PACES examiner having examined and hosted the examination nationally and internationally for over 20 years.
My role as International VP also includes the following commitments:
- Member of Council and trustee of RCPE
- Chair of RCPE International Executive Group – the group developing the College’s International Strategy and budget
- Chair (Convener) RCPE Fellowship Committee – The committee that discusses all nominations for Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
- Member of the Fellowship Strategy Group
- Member of the Membership Disciplinary Group
- RCPE Representative: Federation UK Exams Board & Federation International MAP Board (overseeing MRCP(UK) exams internationally)
- Member and previous Chair: RCPE Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee: 2018 to date
- Member: RCPE Finance Committee
- Member of Medical Training Initiative (MTI) Steering Group: This is the group that co-ordinates the placement of international medical graduates in training posts in the UK. I interview regularly, on behalf of RCPE, for the Medical Training Initiative (MTI) programme, which places trainees from around the world in UK hospitals
- I completed a Committee Review for the College in 2022
Elected Members

Dr Catherine Labinjoh
Consultant Cardiologist
Interests include quality improvement, service redesign and governance. Lead fir QI modulemof the RCPE/Edinburgh University MSc in Internal Medicine. Ex Chair of recently appointed consultant committee and EDI committee member. Lead for Enhance - the RCPE mentoring scheme. Interested in clinical and quality governance and wider professional education
"I enjoy the wide range of College activities and how these support Physicians to safely deliver excellent health and care services." - Dr Catherine Labinjoh

Dr Soon Hoo Song
Consultant Physician and Diabetologist
Dr Song graduated from University of Edinburgh and obtained his Doctor Medicine (MD) with distinction. With clinical and research interests in young people with type 2 diabetes, he leads the NHS England T2Day program to improve care of these young people in South Yorkshire. He is a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion and expert member in the NICE Diabetes Guideline Committee and National Diabetes Audit Advisory Group for Young Type 2 Diabetes. He is involved in postgraduate education as the Secretary of Specialty Certificate Examination Board for Diabetes and Endocrinology and MRCP(UK) PACES examiner, and had been previously a question writer for MRCP(UK) Parts 1 and 2 and PACES Scenario and member of MRCP(UK) Part 1 Examination Board. Apart from being a member of the Council, Dr Song is also a member of the Fellowship Strategy Group and Education Executive.

Dr Sharan Ramakrishna
Consultant Geriatrician & Physician, Assistant Divisional Director - Frailty & Community Hospital services, Aneurin Bevan University Health board.
Dr. Ramakrishna is a Consultant Geriatrician with specialist interest in intermediate care & heart failure in older people. He is a site co-ordinator for RCPE EMU, host examiner for PACES within our Health Board, PACES examiner for the College and international examiner (RCP federation).
"I am privileged to represent Wales as an elected council member of the RCPE. PACES examination sites have increased, examiner numbers are expanding gradually. RCPE symposium was successfully hosted in Cardiff this year and we intend to make it a regular annual event." - Dr. Ramakrishna.

Contact information
Dr Nicola Zammitt
Dr Zammitt is a consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes with an interest in Thyroid Eye Disease. She has been a PACES examiner since 2013 and has previously represented RCPE on the MRCP (UK) Clinical Examining Board for 5 years and the PACES23 Standard Setting Board. She is the Lothian PACES coordinator for RCPE and currently sits on the Council Committee on Examinations, the MRCP (UK) Scenario Editorial Committee and the Endocrinology and the MRCUP (UK) Endocrinology and Diabetes Specialty Certificate Examining Board.
The College plays a pivotal role in developing and maintaining standards in medicine and the PACES exam is an integral part of that process, both in the UK and overseas.

Dr Hamish Courtney
Consultant Endocrinologist, Belfast
Dr. Hamish Courtney graduated from Queen's University Belfast and completed postgraduate training in Northern Ireland and California. Recent and current roles have included Clinical Director of Northern Ireland Diabetes Network and Training Programme Director for Diabetes & Endocrinology (NI Deanery).
"I have had a variety of committee and other roles in the College over many years. I highly value what being involved in the College offers me in terms of the collegiality, friendships and educational opportunities and resources availability. I also welcome the chance to contribute in a small way to supporting the College deliver its aims, especially in a Northern Ireland context." - Dr. Hamish Courtney.

Contact information
Dr Laura Clark
Consultant Nephrologist and Renal Service Clinical Director at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary NHS Grampian
I graduated from University of Aberdeen and completed training in Kidney and General Internal Medicine in Aberdeen, Fife and Edinburgh. I completed an MD thesis in the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease and have a special interest in frailty and kidney disease. I am passionate about quality improvement and chair of the Scottish Renal Registry QI group and member of the Scottish Renal Registry Steering group. I am also passionate about teaching and training. I regularly exam for PACES and I am a question writer for the Renal SCE examination.
I represent the North of Scotland as council member. Through this role I have had the privilege of actively contributing to the college’s aim of ensuring high quality teaching and training both in the UK and internationally.

Dr Patricia Cantley
Non Executive Director, NHS Lothian Board
Dr Patricia Cantley has worked as a doctor since 1988, at consultant level as a Geriatrician since 1997, in hospitals across Lothian and more recently in NHS Borders from 2022 to 2024.
Her special interests professionally include developing Hospital at Home services and alternatives to admission for frail older patients. Patricia writes and teaches on the provision of high quality end of life care for people regardless of setting, and served on the Board of Governors for St Columba’s Hospice in Edinburgh from 2012-2020.
Patricia previously chaired the Scottish Branch of the British Geriatrics Society. Her current role is as a non executive director on the Board with NHS Lothian and as a board member of East Lothian Integration Joint Board. With a range of experiences as a patient, relative and staff member, Patricia hopes to bring a practical and recent clinical perspective to the Board, with a positive attitude, energy and enthusiasm for improvement.
Outside work, Patricia plays the flute in Midlothian Community Concert Band, sings with a community choir and enjoys theatre, running, yoga and hill walking as well as spending time with her husband Roddy and their extended family. She has recently started learning the Clarsach.
"The College has been an important institution in my life for over three decades, from passing my membership exams through to playing roles on various committees. I am finding the role on the Lay Committee especially rewarding and interesting as we bring in a range of skills from people with backgrounds outside medicine." - Dr Cantley.

Dr Kevin O'Kane
Consultant in Acute Internal & General Medicine, St Thomas' Hospital, London. Training Programme Director Chair. Local Negotiating Committee Chair. Chair, BMA London Regional Council. I have a 25-year track record representing doctors locally, regionally & nationally. 100% NHS.
I graduated from Glasgow (BSc Hons/MB ChB, 1984/1987). House & SHO jobs were in Glasgow, followed by a Lecturership in Medicine at Edinburgh University (1991-1995, Western General) and Senior Registrar/Lecturership at Glasgow University (1995-99, Western Infirmary). I CCT'd in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics & GIM in 1999. Thereafter, I was appointed as Consultant/Director of the Hammersmith Hospital Emergency Unit & from 2007 I have been a Consultant in Acute Internal Medicine At St Thomas'.
Over the past 25 years, I have been intimately involved in developing Acute Internal Medicine as a specialty, including being a Founder Member of its SAC, and getting its curricula over the finishing line. I am a full-time (12PA) clinical consultant, TPD & educational supervisor, and still enjoy the job I described during my house job interviews. Between times, I have been lucky enough to help birth my specialty & to represent my colleagues - across all branches of practice & specialties - locally and nationally.
"Medicine is a profession in crisis. We need to re-invent "Brand Doctor". We are the only professionals who are trained & able to provide holistic care, yet we are currently increasingly marginalised by the governments & the other professions. The Colleges are the only bodies which can stand up for doctors, for the profession & practice of Medicine, for patients. This is our mandate, our historic role - and we need to be more confident in fulfilling it. Having a representational role in RCPE allows me to do my part in contributing to that mandate. Cathedrals are made of individual stones." - Dr Kevin O'Kane.

Dr Jane Wallace
Consultant Geriatrician, Training Programme Director Internal Medical training in North East England, co -chair IMT national training committee
I have a strong interest in training and education.
My RCPE role is an enjoyable role. It is away from the work place and involves a wide scope of work that encompasses RCPE's many different work streams, all working toward the strategy of the College. I particularly enjoy organising the brilliant educational events the College hosts.
Appointed Office Bearers

Dr Kathleen White
Dr White is a Consultant Neurologist in NHS Tayside and Honorary Senior Clinical teacher at the University of Dundee.
She qualified from the University of Dundee and trained in Neurology in Middlesbrough, Newcastle-upon -Tyne and Manchester. She has been a Consultant Neurologist in Tayside since 2002.
Kathleen's areas of special interest include Epilepsy and Functional Neurological Disorders.
She has been Equality and Diversity Champion for NHS Tayside since 2006, Commercial Research Champion for NHS Tayside since 2013, and Regional adviser for the College for Tayside since 2013.

Dr Matt Thomas
Consultant Geriatrician, University Hospitals Dorset NHS Trust
A graduate of the Royal London Hospital, Matt undertook his higher training in Wessex and remains there as a Consultant Geriatrician where he has helped develop syncope services and the acute frailty unit at Poole Hospital. An RCPE examiner for nearly 20 years Matt has been Training Programme Director for Geriatrics in Wessex as well as Wessex Representative on the British Geriatric Society Council. The RCPE Regional Adviser for the South West for a number of years, Matt has led / been part of a number of symposium committees for the RCPE and took on the role of Dean of Examinations in September 2023.
"Welcoming new members to the RCPE family at the start of their higher training is a real privilege and the bonus for this role which allows me to promote clinical skills and standards globally through the RCPEs Members and Fellows at home and abroad." - Dr. Matt Thomas.

Dr MaryAnn Ferreux
Chief Medical Officer at Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex
I am a Chief Medical Officer and a Non-Executive Director for two NHS Trusts (community and mental health). I have 20 years clinical experience working across both the Australian and UK health system, with specialist qualifications in health system leadership, management, and population health; I am motivated by a desire to lead clinical transformational across the health and care system. I have held Board level roles as a medical leader in both primary and secondary care and I am passionate about using innovation to improve the patient experience, deliver better integration, and ensure equitable access to care.
I have a special interest in researching health equity and the impact of the social determinants of health to explore the impact of organisational behaviours and policy making on health inequalities in the NHS. From a personal perspective, I identify as a woman from a BAME background with a lived experience, I am passionate about using my position to role-model an inclusive leadership approach whereby I support, mentor and coach, clinicians from disadvantaged backgrounds to widen participation in medicine and increase diversity within healthcare leadership.
As Chair of the EDI committee, we listen to the experiences of our diverse membership, advocate to increase representation in college leadership, and engage members in cultural awareness. It is critical that we address bias and discrimination that exists within health and champion for equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Contact information
Dr Kerri Baker
Deeply rooted in postgraduate medical education and training since chairing the T&MC as a medical registrar. Previous elected Council representative for Lothian, Fife and Borders. Many years of experience as a Training Programme Director in CMT/IMT/GIM and Associate Postgraduate Dean for stage 2 Internal Medicine. I’ve embedded a career in education and training alongside grassroots clinical work in front door medicine in a busy district general hospital in Fife to ensure credibility, currency and understanding of the issues at the coalface.
Passionate about building an inclusive and equitable approach to medical education and provision of world-class resources for all our members across the world, and for collaborative working with stakeholders to drive up the quality of medical training in the UK and beyond.
I'm so proud to be a doctor serving doctors and having the opportunity to influence the education and careers of our current and future workforce for the better - change comes from the inside!

Contact information
Dr Lesley Dawson
Dr Dawson graduated from the University of Edinburgh and trained in medical oncology in Glasgow, London and Edinburgh.
Alongside her clinical work, Dr Dawson is the Associate Director of Medical Education with responsibility for the quality of the delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate education for the Western General Hospital. She is also responsible for recognition of trainers in NHS Lothian, supporting trainer training, appraisal and revalidation. Dr Dawson organises and chairs the NHS Lothian Grand Round following the move of the WGH Grand Round online in 2020 in response to Covid with increased attendance from across NHS Lothian from primary to tertiary care.
She has been Scottish Training Programme Director for Medical Oncology and chaired the MRCP(UK) SCE question writing group.
Dr Dawson has been involved RCPE activities for over 20 years from being the secretary of the Trainees’ and Members’ Committee, sitting on Council as an elected representative for Lothian, Borders and Fife, participating in an invited RCPE review of clinical services and more recently being a member of the Heritage and Library committee and the Training Strategy Committee. She is one of the Social Convenors of the RCPE.
As the Honorary Secretary, I am delighted to contribute to the work of the College shaping strategy, serving on Council and as a Trustee, contributing to governance processes and welcoming new fellows and members to the RCPE.

Dr Frank Armstrong
Independent Director
Frank Armstrong is an experienced, medically qualified, Pharmaceutical Executive who has worked to Board level in the UK, US, Switzerland and Germany. He currently works as an Independent Advisor, Chair and Board Member to Life Science Companies. He previously led Medical and Development organisations at several major Pharma companies and has been the CEO of several Life Sciences Companies.
"The majority of my career has been in the drug development in Pharma and Biotechnology companies developing new drugs as an Executive and CEO. My experiences in the commercial sector bring an other perspective to the College." - Dr. Frank Armstrong.

Professor Mark Strachan
Mark Strachan is a consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Acute Medicine at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh and Honorary Professor of the University of Edinburgh. His clinical interests include endocrine oncology and monogenic diabetes. He established the Scottish Thyroid Cancer Network and was given the Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust award for ‘Outstanding Services to Thyroid Cancer’ in 2020 for this work. He is also one of the lead members of the South East Scotland Neuroendocrine Cancer service. He was Trustee and Treasurer of the British Thyroid Foundation for 13 years and was a founder and Trustee of the Anne Edgar Charitable Trust for patients with neuroendocrine tumours. He is a former RD Lawrence lecturer of Diabetes UK and his work on C-peptide measurement in diabetes led to the establishment of a national programme of testing in Scotland. He is former President of the Scottish Society of Physicians and is an editor of the international textbook ‘Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine’.
Mark has been active with the RCPE for many years. He was Secretary of the Symposium Committee from 2005-2009 and was first elected to Council in 2010. In 2016 he was appointed Secretary of the College and demitted office in September 2024, before taking up his current role as Honorary Librarian and Heritage Trustee.

Dr Marion Slater
Consultant physician working in the Frailty Unit in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
Marion studied at the University of Edinburgh before beginning an eclectic postgraduate journey. During her later training in the North of Scotland she chaired the RCPE Trainees and Members' Committee, affirming a deep commitment to education, training and equality, diversity and inclusivity. During this time she helped establish an SAS subcommittee and led on the publication of an SAS Charter. Marion is Deputy Postgraduate Dean for the Scotland Deanery in NHS Education for Scotland, with responsibility for Diagnostics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Paediatrics training nationally. She has been Associate Postgraduate Dean for Medicine in the North of Scotland for 7 years and is also an Associate Postgraduate Dean for the Rural and Remote Health Credential.
Marion has been the College's Workforce Lead and Regional Adviser for Grampian and previously co-chaired the Recently Appointed Consultants Committee, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Group and the College Advisory Forum on the Environment. She has completed the Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship and the Developing Senior Systems Leadership Programme as well as the RCPE's Quality Governance Fellowship.
Marion is also a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Young Academy of Scotland and sits on RSE's Health and Wellbeing Community Advisory Group.
Charter Trustees

Alan Craft
Retired paediatricia
Formerly Professor of Child Health at Newcstle University.

Professor John Connell
Emeritus Professor, University of Dundee
I am now retired from clinical practice, having had a career as an academic endocrinologist, researcher, and professional leader since 1977. I trained at the University of Glasgow, and worked in that city until 2009. More recently, I was Dean of Medicine and University Vice Principal at the University of Dundee. I continue to advise NHS Trusts, medical charities and academic institutions on research strategy through Academic Health Solutions. I was Chair of Tenovus in Tayside and North East Fife from 2013-2024.
I became a member of Council in 2016, with a particular role in advising on academic matters; from 2020 to 2024 I was chair of the Quality Governance Collaborative; in 2022 I became a Charter Trustee, a role that supports the management of College investment funds.
I have been involved in RCPE for over 10 years. I have greatly enjoyed the privilege of participating in Council, most recently as a Charter Trustee, and in helping to steer development of the College during that time. The opportunity to contribute to College has been a chance to work with some truly inspirational colleagues who make the College the real force for good that it is.

Elaine Tait
Retired CEO of the College after 19 years working with 5 Presidents
After accountancy training and an early career in technology transfer and industrial market research I joined the NHS in England. I have worked at national, regional and trust/acute hospital level in both England and Scotland, supporting 2 Chief Medical Officers and running 50% of an acute district general hospital, collecting a health related MBA on the way.
Nineteen years of working at the College saw us introduce major changes in training, CPD, education facilities and quality governance. Now retired, I spend my time between supporting grandchildren, working with TENOVUS Scotland (a medical research charity) and working as a volunteer first aider.

Contact information
Dr Hannah Preston
- An ACCS CT3 Acute Medicine trainee located in SE Scotland. Hannah has an interest in medical education and well-being.
- Hannah joined the T&MC in 2020 and is currently working in the Education stream.
- She is a mentor and CTA for Edinburgh University and is a trainee representation of the Lothian Resuscitation council.

Contact information
Dr Marilena Giannoudi
Academic Clinical Fellow in Cardiology currently undertaking a Phd looking at diabetic heart disease using cardiac MRI and RNA sequencing. Upon completion will return to cardiology training in West Yorkshire
I have a passion for medical education. Having completed a Masters' in Health Professionals Education at Hull York Medical School, I have used this knowledge to contribute to the organisation of our annual Trainee's conference as well as various college educational events throughout the year.
My drive to help trainees reach their career goals led me to develop the 'Career Conversations' podcast series, in which we discuss different career options, membership examinations and issues which trainees may need information on.
I feel incredibly lucky to be able to work within the Trainee and Members Committee to represent trainees across the UK in a large variety of meetings, whilst also working towards improving resources to help with career choices and training.

Professor Linda Bauld
Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health in the Usher Institute, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh. Also Chief Social Policy Adviser to the Scottish Government.
Professor Bauld completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto and PhD at the University of Edinburgh. She is a social scientist working in public health. Her research focuses on behavioural and pharmacological interventions for primary prevention of non-communicable diseases. She holds the oldest academic chair in public health in the world (the Usher Chair at the University of Edinburgh ) and represents the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) on the RCPE Council.
As the FPH representative, she ensures that RCPE maintains a strong connection with the FPH Board and the FPH's role as a membership organisation for public health professionals across the UK and internationally. This includes ensuring that graduates who choose to progress to specialist public health training as well as the wider public health workforce, are considered (as appropriate) in RCPE Council discussions and responses to consultations and policy documents.
"It is important that the RCPE promotes and supports public and population health in Scotland and further afield as part of its work. I've seen this working in practice and look forward to contributing further as a Council member." - Professor Bauld.

Alex MacDonald
Retired consultant- educational technology
My professional background is in IT across multiple industries, latterly in international education. In my early career I focused on systems development, with an emphasis on managing projects and people. Most recently I advised schools and universities across Europe, the Middle East and Africa on how to get the best educational outcomes from their investment in technology.
In parallel with my professional work, I chaired Business Gateway in Fife and was a Board member of Scottish Enterprise Fife. In both roles I helped many thousands of people move into self-employment or helped existing businesses to grow.
In a voluntary capacity I am very active in pre-hospital care. For most of my adult life I have provided first aid / first responder skills at a huge range of activities, from motorsport to equestrian events and student balls.
I take great enjoyment from teaching those skills to others, either as a volunteer or as a freelance trainer. I also take a strong interest in the wellbeing of my local community and also the College. By working closely with elected members and public bodies I aim to make my community and the College safe and pleasant places in which to live and work.
I enjoy the wide range of College activities and how these support Physicians to safely deliver excellent health and care services.