Senedd Inquiry into supporting people with chronic conditions
Tuesday, 23 May, 2023
The College believes that addressing the significant workforce challenges within the physicianly sector and all across health and social care is vital if our health and social care services are able to support effectively those living with long term conditions and multimorbidity and indeed all others using these services. The most recent annual physicians’ census which we conduct with our colleagues in the Royal College of Physicians of London (RCPL) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) indicated that more than half of advertised consultant physician posts in Wales and England went unfilled last year. 74% of these were unfilled because of a lack of any applicants at all, emphasising the critical situation within the workforce.
We welcome the Committee’s focus on the extent to which services will have the capacity to meet future demand with an ageing population with multiple comorbidities and increasing community needs as this is
of major importance. We believe comprehensive and detailed NHS and social care workforce planning is required to equip our services and allow them to meet the demographic challenges which will impact on all
communities in the years ahead.