Public Health England statistical publication on mortality in England has been published. It shows that inequality continues to play a major role in the Under 75 mortality rate in England. The national average in England is 330 premature deaths per 100,000 people. The data includes statistics for all regions and combined authorities which can be accessed via this tool.

The following indicators have been updated with data for 2016 to 2018:

  • under 75 mortality rate for all causes
  • under 75 mortality rate from heart disease
  • under 75 mortality rate from stroke
  • under 75 mortality rate from breast cancer (females only)
  • under 75 mortality rate from colorectal cancer
  • under 75 mortality rate from injuries

Commenting, Professor Derek Bell, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, said:

These statistics show that there is still a large gap between the most and least deprived areas on mortality rate under the age of 75. On indicators like heart disease, stroke and cancer, the least deprived areas have a lower premature death rate than the most deprived areas.

We have known since the Black Report was published in 1980 that inequality and poor health are related. It’s vital, therefore, that government, political parties, and clinicians at all levels work together to create policies which address the links between deprivation and ill health.


1. The Mortality Profile data from 2016 to 2018 for England can be found here.

Paul Gillen

Contact: Paul Gillen 0131 247 3658