Health Education England
Monday, 5 August, 2013

In January 2013 we published our Strategic Intent Document (SID), which set out the purpose of Health Education England (HEE), as well as beginning a conversation with our stakeholders to help us develop our strategic priorities. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to you for taking the time to let us know your views.

We were delighted with both the quality and the number of responses we received from organisations  and individuals from across the health and care system. Some responses supported the direction of travel we set out; some presented us with challenges and some asked questions that we will need to find the answers to together.

We promised to review our strategic priorities in the light of your feedback and following the publication of the Robert Francis report and HEE’s Mandate. We are therefore sending you an electronic copy of our Strategic Intent Update. This short document provides an update on the key issues raised by stakeholders and the actions we have already taken to address them.

It also sets out our plans to publish our Strategic Framework in the autumn, which will guide our investment decisions going forward to develop a workforce that meets the needs of 2025 and beyond.

Your feedback on our initial priorities will provide a useful foundation for this process, but we are making a further Call for Evidence on three key questions to help us develop our strategy further:

  • What are our shared assumptions about the future?
  • What are the implications of those assumptions for our future workforce needs?
  • Where are we now, and what steps would we need to take to close any gaps?

A template to assist you with supplying the appropriate evidence is on the accompanying ‘Call for Evidence’ document and also on the website at:

We are not expecting you to commission new work to answer these questions, but we would welcome sight of any intelligence and evidence you already have on these issues. 

We are also planning a series of meetings with key stakeholders to discuss and align our respective strategies for future services, and I look forward to hearing your views.