22 March 2024

On March 22nd the RCPE hosted its first joint specialty symposium between Nephrology and Diabetes & Endocrinology. 

It seemed the perfect time for physicians to come together for the symposium given the close collaboration required on a day to day basis in clinical practice and so many recent advancements in management.

We were delighted that the programme attracted a total of 390 in person and online delegates, spread across the UK and abroad.

The aims of the committee were to discuss recent advancements in renal and diabetes practice, to discuss the interconnection of the two specialties and to highlight how the specialties can work with one another most effective care.

Topics included looking after patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes in the community, management of diabetic nephropathy in pregnancy, electrolyte disturbances, management of osteoporosis in CKD, management of hypertension, the steroid dependent patient, and the future of type 1 diabetes management including technology and transplants.

What was evident is that diabetes and chronic kidney disease go hand in hand and create a vicious cycle increasing cardiovascular risks for the patient. Management for all cases involves getting the basics right, early risk factor management and good engagement and communication with the patient. The role of the multidisciplinary team as highlighted from the joint symposium is key in managing complex patients.

There was fantastic engagement from delegates with excellent questions submitted through Slido and in person. We thank the speakers for their time for delivering their talks and answering all the questions our delegates posed. Thanks must also go to the RCPE technical and support staff.

We look forward to future joint symposia reflecting the collaborative working to care for patients with multiple long term conditions.

Dr Hannah Preston, NHS Lothian

Dr Siobhan Pacitti, NHS Borders