This category of Fellowship was created to recognise those already elected who have served the College with distinction over a sustained period. The Laws state that:

The Council of the College may elevate elected Fellows to “Fellowship with Distinction” to recognise those who have served the College with distinction over a sustained period.  A majority of 75% of elected Fellows present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of Council shall be required to approve nominations from the Fellowship Committee.

Nominations are now invited for 2024.


Fellows who have made exceptional and outstanding contributions to the work of the College (normally for at least 10 years, though not necessarily consecutive).  

Nomination process

  • Two Fellows in good standing may submit a nomination using the Nomination Form
  • The nomination form includes a section for the proposer to provide information about their nominee’s College roles and details of any other service to the College
  • The nomination form has a section for the proposer to provide a citation in support of their nomination (maximum 400 words)
  • Seconders may submit their own section of the form separately if preferred. Scanned signatures may be used
  • The award of Fellowship with Distinction is conferred annually

Deadline for receipt of nominations

The deadline for receipt of completed nomination forms with accompanying CVs is Monday 29 July 2024.

Selection process

Completed nominations will be considered by the Fellowship Committee in August, and the Committee’s recommendations will go to the September Council meeting for consideration. Candidates will be reviewed by the Fellowship Committee and Council using the following criteria:

  • Length of service to the College – normally a minimum of 10 years (though not necessarily consecutive)
  • Impact of their activity on the work of the College
  • Contributions to the wider profile of the College
  • Contribution to the wider profession of medicine


Please contact the Secretary at