The UK Government has today published ‘Childhood Obesity, A Plan for Action’, which aims to reduce obesity in children in England over the next ten years.

The strategy includes the previously announced ‘sugar tax’ (a levy on sugar-sweetened drinks) and a target for the food and drinks industry to reduce sugar in food and drink by 20%. The Government will also support research into healthier food and there is an aim for primary aged children to be active for at least 30 minutes in school each day.

Other measures in the strategy include:

  • Updating the current nutrient profile model
  • Working with local authorities to make healthy options available
  • Re-committing to the Healthy Start scheme which provides vouchers for fruit, vegetables and milk
  • Working to ensure each primary school has access to an offer of sport and physical activity programmes
  • A voluntary healthy rating scheme for primary schools
  • Updating school food standards
  • Clearer food labelling, for example ‘spoons of sugar’ displayed on packaging
  • Developing revised menus for early years settings
  • Exploring measures to use technology to inform eating decisions
  • Asking health professionals to discuss family diet with parents

Prof Derek Bell, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh said:

“The College welcomed the sugary drinks levy as one tool in the fight against obesity.  Further measures announced today in the Childhood Obesity plan are welcome, but it is disappointing that so many are voluntary, or aspirational.

“Further regulatory preventative measures such as portion and pack sizes must be considered alongside policies such as the sugar tax.

“Food Standards Scotland has this week suggested exploring further taxation on high calorie, low nutrient foods which we are supportive of. We also hope the forthcoming Scottish Government obesity strategy will include measures to help the public make informed choices about food, ensure a balanced diet and prevent obesity”.



Contact: Sara Collier  0131 247 3658

Notes to editors:

  1. Childhood Obesity A Plan for Action can be found at:
  2. Shaping Scotland’s Food Future can be found at: