In a joint statement Prof Derek Bell, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and Dr Katherine Walesby, Chair of the RCPE’s Trainees and Members’ Committee, said:

“The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh has consistently raised our significant concerns with the junior contract both publicly and in communications with the UK Government. 

“We are, therefore, extremely alarmed and disappointed that the UK Government has chosen to impose the contract and know that this news will be damaging to junior doctors in England.   

“The College remains of the view that this situation could still be resolved to avoid imposition of the contract.

“There are many short and long term consequences of imposing a contract that is not acceptable to all parties. The morale of hard working junior doctors, already at a significantly low point, will be reduced further, impacting on recruitment and retention, the ability to provide safe patient care, and adding additional pressures to other medical and healthcare staff.

“It is time to put politics aside and address the longer term needs of the NHS and all of the staff that work within it in a considered and sustainable way.”


Contact: Lisa Rooke, RCPE - 0131 247 3688 / 07717 895628 /