Responding to today's announcement by the Scottish Government on investment in the NHS workforce, Prof Derek Bell, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, said:

"We welcome the announcement today of this additional investment in the NHS in Scotland and any moves to supporting Scotland in becoming a leader in international medical education.

“Widening participation in the medical profession is a key element in addressing the future challenges of the NHS. We must ensure that a career in medicine is open to all those with ability and not restricted by factors such as socioeconomic status. The RCPE provides information and lectures for secondary school pupils and we welcome the Scottish Government taking steps to help them prepare for medical education.

"We are also pleased that the number of medical student places will be increased but hope this will continue to grow in future years to ensure that school leavers have increased opportunities to undertake undergraduate training at Scottish universities.

"An ongoing focus on recruitment and retention is essential to ensuring we attract more medical students from all backgrounds and enable them to make the transition to post graduate careers in Scotland."


Contact: Lisa Rooke, RCPE - 0131 247 3688 / 07717 895628 /

Notes to Editors

1. The Scottish Government news release can be found here: