Responding to the publication of ‘A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland’, Prof Derek Bell, President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, said:

“The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh welcomes the publication of A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland. We are pleased that it recognises the need for a valued workforce, which is central to a delivering a world class NHS and supports the growing evidence that valuing and recognising staff can improve health outcomes, as highlighted in ‘The Quadruple Aim’.

“We need to work together to address existing vacancies as well as planning now for predicted future gaps in the workforce by ensuring that adequate time is set aside for training the next generation of medical professionals.

“We agree that the appropriate and effective use of resources in the right setting is essential to improve patient outcomes and would encourage collaboration between all services to ensure the smoothest possible journey for all patients receiving care.”


Contact: Lisa Rooke, RCPE - 0131 247 3688 / 07717 895628 /

Notes to Editors

1. A National Clinical Strategy for Scotland can be found at:

2. ‘The Quadruple Aim’ proposes a modification of Don Berwick’s Triple Aim: