K Murray



This symposium covered a range of common neurological conditions of interest both to the general physician and neurologist. Neurological problems presenting to acute physicians were highlighted: stroke risk and prevention following transient ischaemic attacks; an update on stroke thrombolysis; when to refer stroke patients to regional neuroscience centres; and epilepsy and its neurological and cardiac mimics. At the other end of the spectrum, the management of chronic neurological disease, including Parkinson’s disease, and end-of-life neurology care were reviewed. Updates on developing patient-centred services for people with neurological impairments were presented. Finally there was a practical guide to driving regulations in a variety of clinical scenarios.

Keywords European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS), illness trajectories, Parkinson’s disease management, seizure mimics, standard and new antiepileptic drugs (SANAD), stroke thrombolysis, Third International Stroke Trial (IST-3), transient ischaemic attack and stroke risk, transient ischaemic attack triage

Declaration of Interests No conflict of interests declared.