
23 September 2024

4.30pm - 6pm

You can book to attend this event in person, watch it via livestream or get a link to watch it on catchup

Join us as we walk through the steps of applying to medical school. We will hear from medical school admissions staff from Newcastle University, the University of Edinburgh and the University of St Andrews as they detail the realities of applying, planning, and preparing for life as a medical student.

S4, S5, and S6 students are particularly encouraged to attend with members of their support system including parents, teachers, and friends.

A Q&A will follow the lecture.


If you would like to submit your questions online in advance, you can do so at this link.

Your question will not appear immediately as the questions are moderated.


Please note: for data protection and safeguarding reasons the catchup recording will contain only the lecture and not the Q&A with student questions.