Welsh Assembly Government
Tuesday, 17 May, 2011

The draft action plan builds on the Welsh Assembly Government’s programme of measures to discourage young people from starting to smoke. It also wants to help support smokers who want to give up and promote smoke-free environments, particularly to protect children and reduce inequalities in health.

To achieve these aims, the draft Action Plan identifies four strategic action areas:

  • leadership in tobacco control;
  • reducing the uptake of tobacco use, especially amongst children and young people;
  • reducing smoking prevalence levels; and
  • reducing exposure to second-hand smoke.
  • The plan identifies a number of actions within each strategic area to help achieve this. The ultimate vision is of a smoke-free society for Wales, in which the harm from tobacco is eradicated


The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh is pleased to respond to the Welsh Assembly Government on its consultation on the draft Tobacco Control Action Plan for Wales.

General comments: 

There is very little that this College would disagree with. The consultation is clear in its aspiration but not too detailed in content.  It should be remembered that there has been a progressive decline in smoking rates nationally for many years.  It is likely that the stated target therefore would be achievable if current trends continue and without new initiatives.  We would suggest a more ambitious target linked to specific policies. 

We would make the point that there is a lack of specified leadership.  Perhaps a Smoking Tzar would be the way forward, or perhaps identified leaders in each of the key areas.  We would support all of the proposals as none are contentious.  In addition, some ideas are very welcome such as the ban on smoking in all vehicles carrying children.  There is an absence, however, of reference to the impact of higher taxation as a way of reducing consumption of cigarettes.

The consultation has specific questions in the response section as follows:

Question 1.  Do you agree with the draft Tobacco Control Action Plan for Wales’ overall vision and aims?


Question 2.  Do you believe that the proposed actions will promote leadership in tobacco control?  

No.  There is an absence of specific identification of who the "Leaders "will be.

Question 3.  Do you have any other comments on action area one?  

It would be helpful to reinforce the support for research in tobacco policy and identify key areas of evidence on prevention strategies and cessation. The evidence base for this is light and needs to be properly supported academically.

Question 4.  Do you believe that the proposed actions will reduce the uptake of smoking?


Question 5.  Do you have any other comments on action area two?

There is already a progressive decline in the rate of smoking and it is likely that if this simply continues that the targets set will be achieved. It would be preferable to have identified targets linked to the specific initiatives and to be more ambitious in the level of reduction aimed for.

Question 6.  Do you believe that the proposed actions will reduce the smoking prevalence levels?

Yes.  However, there is likely to be a smaller effect as a direct result of these proposals. Additional thought should be given to the issue of Taxation on cigarettes although this may well be outside the scope of the Welsh Assembly's authority.

Question 7.  Do you have any other comments on action area three?


Question 8.  Do you believe that the proposed actions will reduce exposure to second-hand smoke?

If the overall policy is successful, yes.

Question 9.  Do you have any other comments on action area four?


Question 10.  Do you think there would be any negative impact on individuals or communities on grounds of disability, race, gender and gender reassignment, age, religion and belief and non-belief, sexual orientation or Human Rights as a result of the action plan?


Question 11.  Do you wish to make any other comments on the draft Tobacco Control Action Plan for Wales?

Much of the success of the current measures to reduce smoking rates is due to effective education and reductions in availability of cigarettes.  It may be possible to extend these parameters by reducing the number of outlets for purchasing cigarettes.  The decline in smoking rates is driven by increasing health awareness and economic factors.  It should be recalled that there are clear social class influences on several aspects of health related behaviours, and smoking is one of these.  Targeting the same communities will be likely to increase the success of the initiative.  In addition, specific targets linked to the proposals may be a more effective way of determining the outcomes.

Question 12. Please tick your occupation or the type of organisation you are responding on behalf of:

Health Professional Body.