Home Office
Thursday, 24 January, 2013

Over the last decade we have seen a culture grow where it has become increasingly acceptable to be excessively drunk in public and for people to cause nuisance and harm to themselves and others. While there has been a welcome reduction in overall consumption of alcohol over the past few years, the costs to the NHS and rising deaths from liver disease are unacceptable. The majority of people who drink do so entirely responsibly, but too many people still drink to excess. The Government has committed to taking firm action to address this.

This consultation puts forward proposals and questions on five key areas set out in the Government’s Alcohol Strategy (‘the Strategy’), published on 23 March 2012:

  • the price level and mechanisms for a minimum unit price for alcohol;
  • introducing a ban on multi-buy promotions in the off-trade (see glossary);
  • reviewing the mandatory licensing conditions;
  • introducing health as a licensing objective for cumulative impact; and
  • reducing the burden of regulation on responsible businesses.
Consultation on delivering the government's policies to cut alcohol fuelled crime and anti-social behaviour