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Skin markings can be natural, artificial or cultural. They can be marks of transformation, of illness or of self-...

Dermatology has a relatively short history. Although the first medical text specifically written on the skin dates...

The skin held little interest for medical practitioners during antiquity and the Renaissance. When it was cut open...

Exposed skin was a site of suspicion for any cutaneous change. Alongside other disfiguring maladies, the plague...

About this project

The College is looking to document the impact of climate change on health.


When groups of people leave their home and move to other countries or even just regions within the same country they...

In the Middle Ages intentional food deprivation was associated with religious fasting, in more extreme cases known...

The origins of evacuatory medicine lie with the humoural system. When a person’s humours became imbalanced this...

From Ancient Greece to the 1800s much of medical practice was based around humoural theory. According to this idea,...

Friends, neighbours, church ministers and philanthropic members of the landed gentry shared medical recipes and...