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This surprising find was amongst the correspondence of John Abercrombie.  Abercrombie was a popular doctor in early...

This volume is from the collection of Sir Michael Woodruff, most famous for having been the first surgeon to perform...

This is a page from a photograph album created by Mary Chapman, a nurse at Royaumont hospital during the First World...

Elizabeth Blachrie was the daughter of a wealthy stocking merchant in Aberdeen. Her second cousin Alexander...

The College library has various works by Dr James Currie, a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh...

The physical benefits of exercise have been known since antiquity. Medics and others have written widely on the...

There were a number of ways in which Scottish medicine at this time was distinctly different from that of England...

Many plants contain nicotine but those commonly cultivated for tobacco are indigenous to America. The first clear...


Most of the portraits we hold include specific objects and visual references that relate to the careers of the...