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Williband Pirckheimer (1470-1530)
The praise of the gout, or, the gouts apologie
London, 1617

Major Arthur Hurst
Medical diseases of war
1940, 2nd ed.

Soon after the beginning of WWI,...

Girolamo Fracastoro  (1478-1533)
Della sifilide di Girolamo Fracastoro Veronese a Pietro Bembo libri tre

Alchemists believed that the codes and puzzles contained in these texts mapped out a way to transform base metals...

This month we have received a donation of an exciting collection to the archive: the notes of Dr. D. B. Cater, Head...

Adapted from a Presentation to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


On the 8th June 1809, the foundation stone of the then-named Royal Edinburgh Asylum was laid in the...

The word melancholy literally means an excess of choler, or black bile.

The Humours

Its origins lie...

Fear of false imprisonment was a growing concern in eighteenth century Britain.  Private madhouses, where the...

These illustrations, take from a study by Belgian physician Joseph Guislain, show examples of some of the new...