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Sir Alexander Morison (1779-1866) was an early forensic psychiatrist who specialised in mental and cerebral illness...

bibliography, n.

  • A list of the books of a particular author, printer, or country, or of those...

Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 bc)
De re rustica
Venice, 1514

The idea that certain diseases were...

Galen (130–200 ad)
De tumoribus praeter naturam
Basle, 1542

Galen considered neoplasms to be due...

Tancred Robinson (d. 1748)
A letter giving an account of one Henry Jenkins a Yorkshire Man who attained the...



Thomas Phayer (ca.1510-1560)
The boke of chyldren
London, 1553



Sir Sydney Smith (1883-1969) was one of the pre-eminent medico-legal specialists of his day. As a leading forensic...