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Journal Issue: 
Volume 51: Issue 1: 2021
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J R Coll Physicians Edinb 2021; 51: 111



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In memoriam brings to the attention of Fellows and Collegiate Members the deaths of colleagues and friends. Obituaries paying tribute to the life and work of those whose deaths have been reported in In memoriam can be found on the College website:

Fellows and Collegiate Members are invited to provide the Obituaries Editor  ( with information that will enable us to write or commission obituaries. Self-written obituaries to be held in readiness by the Obituaries Editor will always be welcome.


Dr NR Belton FRCP Edin

Born: 05/10/1937 Died: 01/08/2020

Specialty: Paediatrics/Community Child Health

BSc Birm 1959, MSc Birm 1961, PhD Birm 1963


Dr CAS Galloway FRCP Edin

Born: 05/10/1936 Died:

Specialty: Paediatrics/Community Child Health

MB Edin 1960, DCH Glasg 1962, MRCP Edin 1963


Dr E Housley FRCP Edin

Born: 10/10/1934 Died: 07/01/2021

Specialty: General Internal Medicine

MB Birm 1957, MRCP Edin 1973 Arterial Dis, CAP III,5


Professor AB Kay FRCP Edin

Born: 23/06/1939 Died: 31/12/2020

Specialty: Immunology

MB Edin 1963, MRCP Edin 1964, PhD Camb 1970, DSc Edin 1978, CAP III,5


Dr ETM MacSearraigh FRCP Edin

Born: 30/05/1934 Died: 15/03/2020

Specialty: General Internal Medicine

MB NUI 1958, MRCP Edin 1963, MD NUI 1966


Dr CJ Mann OBE FRCP Edin

Born: 22/06/1962 Died: 20/02/2021

Specialty: Accident & Emergency

BSc (Hons) Lond 1983, MB Lond 1986, DA RCA 1992, DCH RCPCH 1988


Professor JG McVie FRCP Edin

Born: 13/01/1945 Died: 21/01/2021

Specialty: Oncology (Medical)

BSc Edin 1967, MB Edin 1969, MD Edin 1977, Hon DSc Dund 1996, Hon DSc Nottm 1997


Dr AG Mowat FRCP Edin

Born: 12/09/1937 Died: 03/11/2020

Specialty: Rheumatology

MB Edin 1962, MRCP Edin 1967 Med Dis. of Loc. Sys.


Professor DJ O’Donoghue OBE FRCP Edin

Born: 15/08/1956 Died: 03/01/2021

Specialty: Renal Medicine

BSc Manc 1977, MB Manc 1980


Professor TS Ramachandran FRCP Edin

Born: 11/04/1948 Died: 20/01/2021

Specialty: Neurology

MB Madras 1970, DipVen L’pool 1976, MBA Binghampton 1999, MPH Syracuse 2010


Professor G Ramjee FRCP Edin

Born: 08/04/1956 Died: 31/03/2020

Specialty: Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine

BSc (Hons) Sunderland 1980, MSc Natal 1990, PhD Natal 1994


Dr JD Somauroo FRCP Edin

Born: 15/12/1965 Died: 14/05/2020

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

BMedSci Nottm 1987, BM Nottm 1989


Dr JA Sonnabend FRCP Edin

Born: 06/01/1933 Died: 09/02/2021

Specialty: Infectious Diseases & Tropical Medicine

MB Wits 1956, MRCP Edin 1962 Infect Dis


Dr JA Waddell FRCP Edin

Born: 23/07/1933 Died: 19/01/2021

Specialty: General Internal Medicine

MB Edin 1956, MRCP Edin 1960 Endoc