A 26-year-old white man presented with a several-year history of inability to run, a slowly enlarging lump on the left olecranon, and increasing stiffness at the back of both ankles. Physical examination showed a firm, non-tender, freely mobile mass on the left olecranon. Each Achilles tendon was surrounded by a firm oblong subcutaneous mass extending to the mid calf. X-rays of the left elbow showed a lobulated calcified mass over the olecranon; each Achilles tendon was surrounded by a large, lobulated calcified mass overlying and encasing the tendon. The calcified deposits were surgically removed from the elbow and each Achilles tendon was surgically debulked. The histology was typical of tumoral calcinosis. Primary tumoral calcinosis is an unusual benign condition characterised by the presence of slow-growing calcified periarticular soft tissue masses composed of calcium salts and usually located around the large joints. The exact cause is unknown.