Author(s): KM Venkat Narayan, EC RhodesJournal Issue: Volume 46: Issue 4: 2016 Format Abstract The rapid growth of noncommunicable diseases represents a formidable global health challenge. Here we use type 2 diabetes as a case study to illustrate the rise of noncommunicable diseases and call attention to the important role of primary care systems in addressing these diseases in low- and middle-income countries. Comprehensive screening for diabetes should be implemented through primary care systems to increase early detection of prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes – a first step to diabetes prevention and management. In addition, primary care systems should strengthen and expand capacity to link patients to appropriate interventions based on their diabetes status and provide care coordination (e.g. leveraging task-shifting and technology), and integrate clinic and community resources for diabetes prevention and control. Additional strategies should include continuous quality improvement, health systems strengthening, workforce development, and affordable and sustainable financing. Together, these actions could elevate the role of primary care in addressing diabetes in low- and middle-income countries and help advance global progress towards reducing diabetes complications, and also preventing or delaying diabetes among those at risk. PDF Journal Keywords: diabetes carediabetes preventionnoncommunicable diseasesprimary carescreening for diabetestype 2 diabetes