• Remote & Rural Remedies

  • RCPE
  • About The Collection:

    From 1850 to 1852 the College sent surveys to church ministers and doctors across the Highlands and Islands. These surveys gathered information on the number of medical practitioners in the parishes and the conditions faced by those accessing and providing medical care.  The surveys provide a stark account of what it was like to need medical attention in remote and rural Scotland. Click here to find out more about the surveys

  • Find Out More:

    If you’d like to find out more about the surveys, or the College’s other historic collections, you can:
    Email: library@rcpe.ac.uk
    Phone: 0131 225 7324

  • Our Other Collections:

    These Highlands and Islands surveys are not our only digitised collection. You can find other online resources on our webpages at: www.rcpe.ac.uk/heritage

  • Thank You To Our Brilliant Volunteers:

    This project would not have been possible without the support of volunteers. Thank you to those who helped with the behind-the-scenes development: Emma Filshie, Olivia Howarth, Isabel Lauterjung, Margaret Long and Jennifer Wolmarans

  • In addition, many remote volunteers assisted with the transcriptions:

    Chloe Anderson, Ruth Bradford, Laura Cooijmans-Keizer, Margaret Crockett, Mary Gregson, Sandra Hicklin, Mark Holdsworth, Jenny Horend, Bekah O’Niell, Laura Paterson, Najah Plakari, Meilyr Power, Abigail Roberts, Janet Roberts, Rachael Smith, Kate Visick and Isobel Watson

  • Funding:

    This project was funded entirely by donations from the College’s Fellows and Members, with particular thanks to Dr. E. G. Lucas and Dr. David Boyd