General Internal Medicine
Designatory Letters: 
MB, ChB Edin 1937, MD Edin 1958, MRCPLond 1946, FRCPLond 1959, MRCP Edin 1947, FRCP Edin 1952

Sir James Baird, who died on 26th May 2007 aged 92, had a distinguished career in the army culminating in his being Director General of the Royal Army Medical Service, Consultant Physician to the Army of the Rhine and Commandant of the Royal Army Medical College, London.

In 1950 he was awarded the coveted Leishman Medal of the Royal Army Medical College. He served for some time as Medical Adviser to the Council for Post Graduate Medical Education and was a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Medicine and the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

His major publication was “ Medicine in the Tropics” published in 1974. He also co-authored a section in Principles and Practice of Medicine in the same year.

He was predeceased by his wife Anne Patricia (nee Anderson) and leaves his children Fiona and Alastair, and grandchildren James and Marina.