Yes, in almost all circumstances. The supporting information for physicians states that feedback from patients is expected at least once in a revalidation cycle. 

If you do not see patients as part of your medical practice, you are not required to collect feedback from patients. However, the GMC recommends that you think broadly about what constitutes a “patient” in your practice.

If you believe that you cannot collect feedback from patients, you should discuss this (as well as proposed alternatives such as family members, carers, students or customers) with your appraiser.

The Royal Colleges of Physicians has validated a patient feedback questionnaire that is suitable for physicians. For some doctors, only some areas of their whole practice will be amenable to patient and/or carer feedback. Where practicable, a complete spectrum of the patients that you see should be included when seeking this type of feedback, and particular attention should be given to the inclusion of patients with communication difficulties, where relevant.