I wish to opt to pay my JRCPTB fees through the website – how do I do this?

  • First of all, please enrol with JRCPTB directly and select RCPE as your Lead College to collect your future fees. You can do this online via the JRCPTB website and you must pay your enrolment fee to them
  • You can also contact JRCPTB by email enrolments@jrcptb.org.uk or here
  • JRCPTB will automatically notify RCPE once your JRCPTB enrolment is successful.
  • The Membership Team will contact you as soon as possible after that to confirm that you have registered RCPE as your Lead College for JRCPTB purposes. If you are not already a College Collegiate Member or Associate Member, we will also send you a link to the relevant application form

I wish to become a Collegiate or Associate Member, but I am not sure how much to pay for my joining fee?

Do I get a certificate if I join as a Collegiate Member?

  • All MRCP(UK) diplomats are awarded a diploma and invited to attend an MRCP(UK) Diploma Ceremony when they pass that exam. There is no further certificate or ceremony in relation to your enrolment as a Collegiate Member, but you will be entitled to use the post-nominal ‘MRCP Edin’ in addition to your other post-nominal such as MRCP(UK) or MRCPCH

Do I get a certificate if I join as an Associate Member?

  • Unfortunately, we are unable to provide Associate Members with a certificate or attendance at a ceremony

I require verification of MRCP(UK) – can you provide this?

  • Requests for verification of MRCP(UK) should be directed to the MRCP(UK) Central Office
  • General examination inquiries should be directed to the College’s Assessment Department 

I am unable to access the CPD Diary

How can I renew my subscription?

A subscription renewal notice will be issued to all current Fellows and Members in advance of the annual renewal date, 1st October each year. It will provide details of the available payment methods to renew your subscription, or confirm that you pay by direct debit and the amount that you will be charged.

Payment methods available include:

Direct Debit

90% of Fellows and Members pay their subscription by Direct Debit. If you hold a UK bank account and wish to pay your current and future subscriptions by annual or monthly Direct Debit, please contact the Membership Team by e-mail memsubs@rcpe.ac.uk or by telephone +44 (0)131 247 3657 or +44 (0)131 247 3698 or to obtain a Direct Debit Instruction (DDI).

Or download the Direct Debit Instruction (DDI) here.

Debit or Credit Card Online

Fellows and Members can renew their subscription on-line using a debit or credit card by logging into the secure Fellows and Members section of the College website. Full instructions on how to pay are available on the payment page.

Debit or Credit Card by telephone

If you wish to pay by debit or credit card but do not have access to the internet, you can do so by telephone. To pay by telephone call +44 (0)131 247 3657 or +44 (0)131 247 3698.

How to pay your annual subscription by Direct Debit

If you have a UK bank account, you may pay your annual subscription by monthly or annual Direct Debit.  Please indicate your Fellow/Member Reference number in the  relevant field if possible. This is shown in your online user account stated as “Member Number” under “Change Your Member Details”. Please download the Direct Debit Mandate form here.

Please complete and sign the mandate and post it to: 

Finance Department
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
9 Queen Street

How can I update my address and other contact details?

  • Please log in to the secure Fellows and Members’ section of the website to update your details online
  • Then click on the Update Your Details box, or under the heading (on the left-hand side) click on Member Details and Subscription and Change Your Member Details.
  • Alternatively, please send an email giving your full name and new contact details to memsubs@rcpe.ac.uk

How can I log in to the secure Fellows and Members’ section of the website?

At the top of the webpage, click on the red Member login box and enter your username (usually your email address) and password. If you are having password problems you can reset it here or from the login page. If you need any assistance with your username or need any other help with the website, please email webmaster@rcpe.ac.uk.

I have now retired from work – am I entitled to pay a lower rate of annual subscription?

  • Yes, if you have now retired completely from remunerative practice – see the current subscription rates for retired Fellows and Members. If you have now fully retired from paid practice, please send an email to memsubs@rcpe.ac.uk so that you will be charged the retired rate of annual subscription in future. 

  • If you have not fully retired but have reduced your working hours, you may be eligible for our Less than Full Time discount. A 25% discount will be applied to the College subscription for those members normally working up to 0.8 whole time equivalents; please take into account all of your remunerated activities before applying including any non-clinical roles you may have. Discounts may be awarded at the time of joining or at a future subscription due date but do not apply to JRCPTB training registration fees. Please send an email to inform the Membership Subscriptions Team at memsubs@rcpe.ac.uk if you believe you are eligible for this discount.

I wish to refer a colleague to join the College – how does this work?

You could receive a £25 credit against your next annual subscription for referring a colleague to join the College as a Collegiate Member or Associate Member. The applicant should provide your name under the ‘Membership Reward Scheme’ section when they complete their online application form.