In order to take some control in an otherwise uncontrollable situation I looked at ways we could stay healthy as a family. I started to run to work (it’s only a mile, and I can change into scrubs at the other end – I’m never letting the scrubs go!), simplified our shop (cut out processed food, shopped local where possible, and reduced the availability of gin! I seem to have spent most of lockdown in the kitchen cooking from scratch, baking with the children or making every type of bread. Our daily exercise adventures for to our local beach and an encyclopaedic knowledge of the local walkways has been a godsend and kept us all sane – outdoor school was always more successful. I’ve always been keen to lead a healthy lifestyle and lockdown provided the space to make this lifestyle work for the family, but they were missing their friends, and getting angry about their loss of freedom
Susannah Tappin, Reflecting on effects of Covid 19 on my work as a Locum GP