We welcome enquiries from NHS staff to see how we can help you fill posts which include training that you have been unable to fill through UK recruitment.

If you have already identified a suitable applicant for your vacancy please contact us to find out how we may be able to support your recruitment through MTI: mti@rcpe.ac.uk

How you can benefit from MTI

Health Boards and Trusts can fill vacant posts for up to 2 years with highly qualified doctors – they will have full MRCP(UK) (or another acceptable advanced PG qualification) and meet the GMC’s standards for English language and clinical experience.   

FAQs: How does MTI work?

  1. The first step is for the job description to be agreed – this should demonstrate that trainees will receive the same training opportunities as UK-appointed trainees and provide details of study leave, training days etc. Posts should be a minimum of 12 months up to 2 years and do not require a national training number. Please contact us via MTI@rcpe.ac.uk

  2. Before progressing we require evidence of Deanery support for a post to be filled through MTI, to ensure that it provides sufficient educational and training content and that recruitment does not prejudice opportunities for UK doctors.

  3. We also require written confirmation that funding is available for the post (unless the trainee has home-country funding).

  4. After agreeing the above we will send the recruiting consultant the CV of a potential candidate. Recruitment is non-competitive in that we only put forward one candidate at a time for any one post.

  5. If the recruiters wish to interview, we arrange this via WebEx. A clinician representing the College will join the interview panel.

  6. We charge the NHS a  non-refundable £950 (+VAT) to help cover our costs. 

  7. If a job offer is made we will sponsor the candidate’s GMC registration and after registration, facilitate their visa application.

FAQs: How long does it take?

The recruitment process depends on many factors and can take up to 6 months from interview to a trainee starting in post. If all parties work promptly and provide the required documents efficiently then the process can be quicker.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges issue the sponsorship certificates for the visa. Priority is given to those coming from a  Low or Lower-Middle Income Countries (World Bank classification). Applications from non-priority countries are placed on a waiting list and processed only where there is capacity. This means that start dates for applicants from non-priority countries cannot be predicted accurately as applications may take a little longer to process. More details and a list of the priority countries can be found here

How to help ensure MTI  success


The trainee must undertake a period of induction and close supervision to become familiar with local practices and policies - we recommend a minimum of two weeks up to several months - until both they and the supervising consultant are satisfied that they are competent and ready.


MTI trainees should be allocated an educational supervisor as well as a clinical supervisor and have regular meetings to review progress. At the end of the training post the College will ask the educational supervisor for a list of competencies for the trainee’s end-of-post certificate.

Ongoing placement support

We provide a range of support to trainees during their placements:

  • Mentors: we assign a mentor to support trainees - usually a senior Fellow of the College
  • ePortfolio: MTI   trainees receive free use of the JRCPTB’s ePortfolio
  • College Membership: MTI  trainees receive free Collegiate or Associate membership giving access to a range of educational resources including discounted rates for educational events and courses
  • Feedback: we request regular feedback from trainees and their supervisors
  • Certification: trainees receive a certificate at the end of their placement confirming they have undertaken an International Training Fellowship and a letter outlining the competencies they have gained experience in

Feedback from recruiting Trusts and Health Boards

“The MTI process has been consistently excellent and delivered high calibre fellows… [the] trainee was professional, knowledgeable and a pleasure to have in the department.”

“…she is a superb trainee. You have been exceptionally helpful and I look forward to continuing working with you and the MTI scheme.”