Speaker: Professor Mark Jackson (University of Exeter)

Since the late nineteenth century, stress has emerged

Speaker: Dr Keren Hammerschlag (Georgetown University)

William Orpen (1878-1931) produced numerous pictures

Speaker: Dr Alex Mold (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

The place of the public within

Speaker: Dr Jane Stevens Crawshaw (Oxford Brookes University)

The plague was one of early modern Europe’s

Speaker: Professor Joanna Bourke (Birkbeck College University of London)

Bodily suffering is central to the

Speaker: Professor Pamela Gilbert (University of Florida)

The body brings together a number of vexing

Speaker: Professor Sue Black (University of Dundee)

Forensic anthropology has a relatively long history in

Speaker: Mr Tom Scotland (University of Aberdeen; NHS Grampian)

In 1914, abdominal wounds were managed